I searched for raws all over and apparently it was confirmed by the author that it was complete.
I actually reread it a lot but it still feels like wasted potential, maybe it wasn't as financially successful and then dropped? Happens a lot and it's quite sad for both the author and the readers. (I remember Bloody Junkie which I absolutely loved but it was discontinued due to this as well, hurts to see)
The hope is VERY slim that the author picks it up again but who knows? I certainly hope they do!

Wait so when he declared it was completed... it completed like this? Like thats it?!? I AGREEE! There’s so much potential for this manga, like I have so many questions, why leave it here :,) I hope that he does pick it up I also read black haze and the author dropped it and started working on a new one- man it’s so sad when they do, they could’ve at least just end it quick(it doesn’t even have to make sense) I just need to feel fulfilled yk

My exact same thought, it just didn't feel complete at all!
Like what's the point of world building and introducing the hunt if it's gonna be over so quickly? T^T
That just makes it more likely that it was forcefully dropped due to low sales.
Same! Rushed endings tend to be bad but at least conclude everything especially if your next project is a success so you're financially well

AhhHh sorry for such a late response, I didn’t realize that you reply back until I reread the manga again and look through the comments and you got a point, like how can you lead the readers to such a interesting plot and leave it there, and how can this have low sales, it’s so good YEs YES! Who cares if the ending is bad it’s better than nothing, rushed? I’ll take it just please I needa know what happens next
This is amazing and so interesting! I love the world and story + art!
It's sad that it was discontinued, I believe it was said somewhere that it was finished...so don't get your hopes up.