Some don’t seem to realize that these characters have negative traits but because of the circumstances, interactions, and actions they’ve done up till this point, they changed for the better though it may not be prominent for others. It happens to people which is why we learn through experiences. We aren’t all inherently good and we fuck up most of the time. I swear all these “toXic” comments are fr getting annoying as if they’ve never done any “toxic” things in their life such as toxic beliefs, actions, words etc. ( ̄へ ̄)

omg that's what i say all the time!!! people don't exhibit negative traits for no reason. you need to understand the circumstances and obstacles they face to truly understand their actions. basically you need to read the manhwa holistically and actually use your brain. too hard for some BL readers? lmao
I swear the ppl complaining at this point about characters being "toxic" are just mad their ship sunk (or they just hate joowon so much for some reason, judging by the comments).
Like. You really read up to NINETY SEVEN chapters, and youre saying this now cause...?? Makes zero sense when all the characters have become ten times less "toxic" by this point lol (honestly that word is so overused, it's vague and says a whole lot of nothing). All the characters are way more honest with their feelings. Theyre less manipulative, less vindictive, less apathetic and selfish, and so on.
Haesoo actually genuinely tried in his relationship with Taku and was apologetic for being unable to return his feelings... the exact opposite of his first partner in chapter 1 of the story.
Taku stopped using Haesoo for his own self-interest, and genuinely wanted to be with him (like he said, at first he "just wanted to see the story haesoo would write about him when he was gone" but he developed real feelings for hs).
Joowon realized that he was wrong for never telling Haesoo he loved him, just because he was scared of being abandoned and losing out. He was mature and genuinely selfless for Haesoo. Joowon easily got the most character development in the story too.
Haesoo was sorry that he wanted Joowon to suffer and manipulated his feelings, and sorry that he didn't wish the best for his career.