lets go through the bully cliches, next will be tax on the victims chair right?

masticatious January 10, 2021 10:09 pm

if shouri wasn't going to tell anyone, at least she should have set up a hidden camera (s) monitoring her locker, bag, or gym hubby ages ago (buy a recorder too) gotten her "friend" to talk, based on her feigned ignorance she obviously at least has some idea who's involved. pay more attention where her classmates are doing, going and when. once she's got a name, go to her scummy but powerful dad and tell him who's bugging his precious whittle daughter, THE END. I know I know.. but then we wouldn't have a plot but all of the characters so far seem unlikable to me, I dont care about any of them.

this story reminds me of the movie MA, I wasn't rooting for the villain/victim there either.
although they are free to have revenge I feel like their methods can be still be scrutinized and held up for judgment.

    hunterx2 January 11, 2021 12:46 pm

    Japan has really strict laws about secretly recording people. It's why you usually see the "evil" characters secretly record and blackmail with it but rarely ever see the good side do it. It's not okay unless it's out and out stated. And when you are on private property, you need explicit permission.

    Most of the ideas you've suggested would get Shiori arrested, sued, and kicked out of school if she brought it forward. On the other hand, the kids who have done anything to her so far would likely get a slap on the wrist because they haven't done anything illegal, they are just being mean. They would walk away with nothing on them and she would have a record.

    The only real way to combat bullying in Japan to come straight up and make an accusation and have people on her side when she does it or to have it witnessed and have a witness come forward. Aside from that, you basically need your parents to be involved so that they can say "Hey, they've complained about this before."

    But ultimately, it turns into an issue of if her classmates like them enough to stop it. There's away to bully that can't be combated and that's simply not getting caught. Mess with her desk when she and the teacher are away. Mess with what she leaves in her lockers. Insult her when the teachers aren't around. Then, they just socially isolate her the rest of the time. She could report that and cry about it til kingdom come but the school couldn't do much and would probably just try to remove her from the school.
