Yeah ik, but still. Most of the time it turns out that there's a tragedy in the story when there's a tragedy tag, so I'm still kinda scared. Also, there are many signs of the (maybe) coming "tragedy" cuz gene isn't here, Trevor's nephew is also named Gene (which kinda shows that maybe Gene isn't here anymore nd Trevor named him in memory of Gene), then the study is all messy like Trevor has been keeping it that way nd not cleaning it all up so as to still keep gene's essence or presence (?), nd also he's living all alone now nd his brother nd family don't know about Gene. If Gene was living with Trevor nd they're together then the family would know, also that he's kept that diary with gene's pictures like that, like that happens when the person in the picture is dead or isn't there anymore right?!!! If you've read a lot of stuff you can make out that this is how the story goes all the time. I do hope that it's not the case tho but just in case I'm preparing myself for that tragedy, if it comes.

Yeah of course I totally agree with you! I just think that it’s too early for people to tag it as tragedy, but it’s probably just cause I really don’t want it to have that kind of sad ending ╥﹏╥ yeah, the signs are all there, and I’m also preparing myself for it, but I still really really wish it’s gonna go some other way, though I don’t know how much of a chance there is for that, considering everything. But yeah I totally agree with what you said! I just have a tiny bit of self-indulgent hope for a happier ending
Since we all are expecting something to have happened to Gene, wouldn't it be hella funny that it turned out he was still alive but famous doing some amazing shit since he's so smart and stuff and be traveling the world and who knows xD