DieHardFujoshi January 10, 2021 10:10 am

Some of you have already commented “this is sexulizing rape” yet you come back..just to say it again...interesting#-.-)

    Yumekichi January 10, 2021 12:07 pm

    This happens all the damn time. Hippocrates~

    Cloudddiii January 10, 2021 2:03 pm

    They secretly love it lmaooo

    Yumekichi January 10, 2021 2:53 pm
    They secretly love it lmaooo Cloudddiii

    Yes. They do.

    Tai January 10, 2021 8:06 pm
    This happens all the damn time. Hippocrates~ Yumekichi

    what does the philospher Hippocrates have to do with this? leave his name outta this! all he wanted was for doctors to Do No Harm! (lol i know u meant hypocrites i just coudlnt resist making a silly pun)

    Alex(imagirl) January 11, 2021 12:29 am

    it is also mentioned as a warning in the beginning, they should have expected it.

    Yumekichi January 11, 2021 7:21 pm
    what does the philospher Hippocrates have to do with this? leave his name outta this! all he wanted was for doctors to Do No Harm! (lol i know u meant hypocrites i just coudlnt resist making a silly pun) Tai

    Hahahahah~ It was either him or Hippo-crips... Sorry~

    Yumekichi January 11, 2021 7:22 pm
    it is also mentioned as a warning in the beginning, they should have expected it. Alex(imagirl)

    That's why warnings on videos and shit should just stop. No one listens to them.

    Tai January 11, 2021 7:28 pm
    That's why warnings on videos and shit should just stop. No one listens to them. Yumekichi

    i disagree. the people those actually help dont come in and complain. they read them and heed them and thats why we dont hear from them but i suspect they are a larger group than than the whiners that just happen to be louder. there are people who rly need and benefit from those warnings. and it also means that the creators and publishers arent liable for big backlash from readers or any kind of legal authority. so yeah, warnings are good esp when they arent spoiler-y. but also idk if these people didnt read the warnings os much as feel entitled to judge everyone regardless of warnings or the comic summary page, these people are being willfully obtuse or arguing in bad faith or just hostile in general and shouldnt mean others who are respectful should get penalized by the removal of all warnings. thats my opinion anyway.

    Yumekichi January 12, 2021 11:23 am
    i disagree. the people those actually help dont come in and complain. they read them and heed them and thats why we dont hear from them but i suspect they are a larger group than than the whiners that just happ... Tai

    I mean for shit that is obviously filled with bad things. If the cover and the description of the story isn't a red flag the tags are. If you made it pass all three and then loose your damn mind you are full of shit. There are more than 3 barriers to protect your state of mind. People need to stop breading and pushing these weak mentality filled people out. Entertainment is tantied.

    Tuesday February 15, 2021 8:56 am

    Yes and I will keep coming back to say it.

    Yumekichi February 15, 2021 1:06 pm
    Yes and I will keep coming back to say it. Tuesday
