You very clearly missed my point. You assume he as a degree because he claims to have a degree. It's the internet, anyone can claim whatever they want. I have a Bachelor's degree in Biochemistry, but why should I bring it up because why should you believe me? The merits of my argument should make sense to anyone smart enough to understand them.
And "Actually, now that I think about it" have you ever played a game? If you play World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, Rainbow6, or any other game... if someone beats you, do you believe it is possible that they cheated? This isn't school, with your teachers. The real world isn't coded such that there are inviolable rules (if you try to say "nah uh, physics" I'm going to have to figure out a way to have less respect for you... and I'm not sure it's possible). Games ARE coded such that there are inviolable rules. Why are you comparing a game to school? I mean, maybe it makes sense why the writing is so bad if the author, like you, thinks that games are like school.
First off... Uhhhhnggg, why am I torturing myself reading this. Some fun stuff but mostly just a worse knockoff of the already bad Legendary Moonlight Sculptor.
Second off: How dumbbbbb "i w0nDurrr iF tHiS gOeS aGaInSt ThE RuLeS" It's a fcking game... it's coded. You can can't go against the coding. If it's coded that it's allowed, it's allowed. Even if the rules weren't coded, the GameMasters could look at his inventory and see he's not. So stopped that the author tries to gin up drama in such a braindead way.
I'll end my rant here instead of further TL;DR'ing myself.