To be honest, there are some parts that I didn't like how I translate it but I translated as best as I could. But I think the one I didn't get how to translate the most was on page 30. When Kagami said " I did love you, Shingo".
I originally put "I did loved you, Shingo". But it felt...wrong. Even though Kagami was trying to say like he really did love Shingo in the past. Something like... "I did love you before, Shingo"? So...yeah, I'm stumped. haha let's just wait for the JPN->Eng subs?

thank youuu!!!
honestly, i think they'll remain broke up in this book.well they breaking up in ch 7, and basically a one volume contain 8 chapters the most. Maybe they'll reunite in next book.or maybe this one will have more than one volume,who knowssss gaaaaah

Omfg!! Thank you so much for continue translating <3 I didn't understand what happen in the new chapter, but now i'm really sad for the break up! I don't want this for my favorite couple ;-; Can't wait for the next chapter ;^; again thanks!! You're so cool :'3

see this confims my suspicion of sensei making another book or volume. Unless she wants to make another pairing using those guys (which I cant possibly imagine we'd probably riot). So wait angelo was after his brother? Lmaooo Lol oh no book 2 of the brother nd possibly a book of them reuniting or not. Oh sensei ur realling trying to milk them now.
Thanks u darling for the translation! What do u think about all this?

Gaaaah, I think I'm going to cry T_T My heart totally broke at the "I did love you" part. I want them to get back together but at the same time I don't... Kagami just doesn't deserve Shingo >_< Come to me, Shingo, I will pet you, cuddle and love you forever <3
Thank you for the translation @SuzukiLina <3 Just a quick question - did you also translate the other chapters or just this one?

hmmm I'm confused about Angelo's actions. One second he's all over Kagami, next he's asking about Yuujin. Hmm... but I don't know what to think about all this. I'm not sure what to feel anymore...Just hope we get an explanation of why Kagami is doing what he's doing...soon...and what Shingo is gonna do. The way sensei phrase it, it feels like Shingo will go far away soon where it's hard for Kagami to find him ;_;

Yes I did translate chapters 3-6 too! Though you have to flip back a few pages to find them =X If I remember correctly, 3-5 are in the same thread while 6 has its own thread! Do note the format of translation for those are different from this one! First few chapters were just summaries, 6 had a few pages where I just translate exactly what were said. (The important scenes at least)

thank you so much!

So does that mean that Kakami doesn't love Shingo anymore, because he's using past tense. I'm confused. Please explain to me. (/TДT)/

After some thinking now, I figured you need to put the following 2 lines together to understand what he's trying to say
"I did love you, Shingo"........"But I will break up with you"
I believe Kagami is trying to tell Shingo that he did love him before but he's willing to let him go. He didn't really directly say he doesn't love him anymore currently. Anyway about a line away later, he told Shingo "I love you". So I don't think Kagami lost his love for Shingo (That is, if he didn't lie)
I hope this doesn't confuse you further...?

Thanks! (●'◡'●)ノ

Thanx so much for ur hardworking ... God bless u :)
Please note translation is based on this link:
Last time on chapter 6, Shingo told Kagami that he wants to break up with him. By the way, I'm changing format again... In the end... I prefer translating every line instead of writing summary hahahaha because I'm bad at writing summaries!! sorry ._. someone can write the story summary on my behalf? =D <3 Oh, and all text in brackets are my thoughts/notes! It's not in the Chinese translation!
[Page 1]
Nothing important to translate
[Page 2]
Top bracket - But you're not emitting
Bottom bracket - any scent
[Page 3]
Text on right - I'm not interested in you
Text on left (Shingo body area) - Even if that's how you judge my feelings for you
[Page 4]
Top text - At this moment, your body still overflows with your scent
Bottom text - I've always thought, this is the last heaven (seventh heaven) I've always thought this place will never be destoryed. Up till just now.
[Page 5]
(Sex sounds at the top)
Bottom left box - He says I'm not emitting any scent. That made me so angry
[Page 6]
Top bottom (Hicky filled Shingo area) - I ended up saying some excessive things to him
Bottom box - But what I'm feeling now
Bottom link box - Is neither anger (top), nor sadness (bottom)
[Page 7]
Top right bubble - It just won't work
Text between bubble - I've never experience this feeling before. What exactly is it?
Bubble - I want to break up with you
[Page 8]
Text at bottom left corner hand - Puts down
[Page 9]
Bubble between Shingo & Kagami - Break up?
Bubble to the right - Do you know what are you saying?
[Page 10]
Bottom of the page right bubble - I know
Link bubble (top) - I've seriously considered it
Link bubble (bottom) - and have decided to break up
[Page 11]
Top right corner bubble - ...is that so?
Bubble below - So you've considered it
Next box, bubble right of Kagami - And that's your conclusion after you've considered?
Bubble below - You just decided on it without discussing it with me
Bubble to the left - Do you think that I'll just accept it after you've phrase it that way?
Bubble below, right of Shingo - There's no choice after all
Bubble to the left - because you're not emitting any scent
[Page 12]
Bubble on right - Maybe I was mistaken?
Bubble on left - The person I like, is not you
Bubble below - ...besides
Link bubble (top) - you will need to keep going over there (Chinese translation didn't mention who needs to keep going over there, but I think Kagami fits the bill)
Link bubble (bottom) - Without you next to me, a person like me, will definitely do it (sex) with someone else
Bubble to the left - If we're gonna argue over having an affair, we might as well just break up
[Page 13]
Bubble on top right - Even though you've said before that this is all because I have never been able to truly trust you
Link bubble (top) - or maybe
Link bubble (bottom) - I'm unable to trust myself
Next link bubble (top) – Sorry
Link bubble (bottom) - I hate troublesome things
[Page 14]
Top link bubble (right) - ...before you go over there
Link bubble (left) - I'll move out from here
Bottom link bubble (top) - ...this time
Link bubble (bottom) - Shingo is the one who abandoned me
[Page 15]
Nothing to translate (Yay! I mean...cough cough I was joking...)
[Page 16]
Text above plant - Close door
Text above Kagami's head - Lies down
Text in box - Even if I asked
[Page 17]
Top right corner box - He will not tell me the real reason why he wants a break up
Box to left - These, I could still understand
(Yes! Emo Kagami!! Me liekz cough cough)
Bottom right corner box - I don't want to forcefully question him
Box to left - or persuade him to stay
[Page 18]
Top right corner box - I've
Text between 2 boxes - Though it doesn't matter anymore
Box - said some excessive things to him again
Bubble to the left - Doesn't matter anymore...
Mini bubble below - huh?
Remaining chinese text - Tick tock tick tock (Sounds of clock ticking)
[Page 19]
Only bubble in page - So tired
[Page 20]
Text in top frame - Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (They're swooning, I thought they were laughing...)
Bubble between 2 boxes - With this, the contract has been sealed officially
(Kagami signed his name, Kagami Keiichi, on the paper)
Bubble - Please take care of me (He's saying Yoroshiku)
Bubbly bubble below - Please take care of me (Same, Yoroshiku <3, dammit Angelo!)
[Page 21]
Bubble - ......
Next bubble - Please take care of me
Text - Grabs (To be honest, I don't know this chinese word, but we know what Angelo did)
Next text - Supports
[Page 22]
Big text between - (No idea, I think it's the sfx for squeezing his face)
Bubble below Angelo - I'm speaking in Japanese specially for you. Why aren't you correcting me?
Bubble below Kagami - I'm so sorry but I'm not that intelligent
Bubble - No~way~ I won't forgive you
Text above the old guys - Oh my, their relationship sure is good. Hahaha
Bubble below - As punishment, do me a favour
Bubble in next box - Can you help me contact your brother?
Bubble right of Angelo - I've sent some messages to him before but he has never replied to any of them
Bubble in between - It's a rare that we're all in Japan. I want to meet him.
Bubble to the left - I don't really mind
Chinese text above hand - Kiss <3
[Page 23]
Top link bubble (top) - Because brother is very busy
Link bubble (bottom) - I will just let Takamizawa know of it first
Text to the left, same frame - Eh?
Next box, top right bubble - No, that's
Bubble below - If possible, why not directly with Yuujin (Kagami's brother)
Next bubble - It's still the same no matter who I tell
Next box, shouting bubble top - It's not the same!!
Bubble below - Are you listening? Keiichi!
Bubble below - Wait!!
Text next to Kagami - President, Michishige-san (Manager), let's go
Manager - Whoa, what's wrong?
Text near Kagami's hands - Wave, wave
Link bubble (top) - Michishige-san
Link bubble (bottom) - I would like you to help me book a hotel
Centre box - I thought I've already decided to do it myself
Box on left - yet it feels like someone else's matter
[Page 24]
Bubble between Shingo & Kagami - Welcome back
Next box, top right corner bubble - ...oh
Bubble to the left - You're late today
Bubble to the left - I came back after eating dinner at Masa's
Bubble to the left - ...is that so?
Text next to feet - Step up (to the platform)
Link bubble (top) - That's great
Link bubble (bottom) - You still know how to return home
[Page 25]
Bubble below Shingo - ...after all, I still have not begin to look for other rental rooms.
Next bubble - You don't need to look for a house
Link bubble (top) - Anyway, I'm leaving Japan this week
Link bubble (bottom) - Before I leave, I'll be staying at the hotel. So Shingo can live here.
(Note: The bubble is pointing at Shingo,but it's actually Kagami who is saying the above lol)
Next link bubble (top) - Are you stupid?
Link bubble (bottom) - How can I do that?
[Page 26]
Sfx next to helmet - Thud!
Sfx between Shingo & Kagami - Bang
Bubble to the right - I'm going to ask you one last time
Bottom left corner bubble - What's the reason for breaking up with me?
[Page 27]
Kagami bubble - Because you hate it that I'm leaving here for filming?
Next bubble - Or is it because you don't like me going with Angelo to drink after work?
Bubble below - ...Scent
Next bubble - Is it because I said that it doesn't matter even if there's no scent emitted?
Side bubble - Argh
[Page 28]
Top link bubble (top) - You're annoying!
Link bubble (bottom) - Also your stalker like behaviour!
Right link bubble (left) - There's no other reasons
Link bubble (right) - It's just like what I said this morning
Left link bubble (left) - Towards you, I've already....
Link bubble (right) - Argh
[Page 29]
Link bubble - D..Don't
Next link bubble - Ah (left) huu (right)
Bubble below - Don't
Next bubble – Hnn
Next bubble – Haa
(Shingo being sexy as heck)
[Page 30]
Bubble – Hurts
Text below – Bites
Text in next box – Lick
Bubble below - I did love you, Shingo
[Page 31]
Bubble - But I will break up with you
Link bubble (top) - ...You have to live well
Link bubble (bottom) - I love you
[Page 32]
Text near door - Close door
Text in box - Had I known earlier
[Page 33]
Box at top right of page - I might as well just bite him to death and bring him over
Next box - But I love him too much
Next box - I definitely won't be able to do it?
<3 To be Continued...<3