I kinda agree. I think the whole thing after the kidnapping part became a little irrational. like the author is trying to drag the story somehow... like Seungho was super raged for 2 chapters and then suddenly nothing?
but for the Seungho's anger part.. if I remember correctly nakyum did tell him that he didn't run away at first and I think there was a mention that the doctor suggested that it is unlikely that he ran away (haha I'm not sure tbh). Seungho being angry and raping Nakyum was an obvious response.. I think most people including myself are angry at him because we expected some sort of character development until now. he just jumped to a conclusion and hurt nakyum.
And as for Nakyum. he was grabbed unexpectedly and blindfolded and expected to die any second. that is terrifying. it doesn't have to do anything with injury it is a psychological response. being blindfolded again reminded him of that day and I think that is a natural response for anyone.

I think what made him realize he didn't runaway was when he started freaking dafuq out. the other guy coming in spilling the beans was just the cherry on top as to whom actually kidnapped him. As far as the sister we still don't know why she told him to run away (or maybe we do I can't remember). I think she probably assumed he was in that village with the teacher.

ahh, i didnt realise being blinded folded, gaged, having what ever that metal thing was againts your neck but then later being let go and then getting told your body would be mutilated if he uttered even a single word about what happened wasnt enought to be traumatised? huh... the more you know i guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

You obviously don’t understand how trauma works. Someone doesn’t have to endure a long period of time for an event to be traumatic, and it has nothing to do with being “sensitive” or not.
How is Seungho getting a jolt from someone’s words idiotic? It’s not that he “believed” him, it was more that those words helped him connect the dots. He knows about Jinwha’s feelings, so the other person saying something like “at least he returned him with all his limbs intact” is not a confession of anything. Those words just gave Seungho enough pause to connect the dots that he was probably already suspecting. What he did to Nakyum doesn’t have a justification, but it’s understandable that someone as volatile as Seungho would react in anger first then once he cooled his head he’d be able to connect the dots even without prompting from “a random npc”.
And finally, how is the sister hypocritical? Wanting Nakyum to run away to find a better life for himself is a bad thing? And I think her question of “where have you been?” Was rhetorical. Kinda like saying “what kind of hell-hole did you end up in?” Just because she told him to leave and not look bad doesn’t make her a bad person. She wanted something better for Nakyum and hoped that him getting away from the kisaeng he’d get that better life. In the end it may prove true, but at the moment all she saw was a broken Nakyum.

For your question. Yes, you can develop trauma over a kidnapping even if you didn’t get beat up. Trauma isn’t caused by physical pain only. And it makes sense for a human to get trauma from this. I mean two hours is a long time, especially if you’re tied up. It’s a feeling of being completely helpless that can F someone up. Plus with the added rape from Seunghoe his mental state would (realistically) already be weakened.But in the end it’s fiction, anything can happen I suppose.

Nakyum telling him he didn't run away doesn't mean anything...why would he believe him when the evidence was so clear? Not to mention he was angry at himself for being vulnerable and then being betrayed??
AND YES it was an obvious response THANK YOUUUU people wer freaking out like it fell out of the fucking sky???
YES CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. The author really dropped the ball on this one...I mean, he redeems himself NOW??? Just after the arrival of the NPC and nakyum freaks out??? Gtfo lol. So illogical!
Yeah, nakyum the poor guy. Shitty luck. Oh well.

Yeah, it isn't enough after what he had been through until then. But then I guess you'd have to have some brain to figure out that if they really wanted to hurt you, they would have. There was no ransom, no nothing...but nakyum, being who he is, is obviously TERRIFIED to the point that he could no longer even think rationally. Not that he has shown signs of doing that until now...oh well.

yeah like...he has no trauma whatsoever from the non stop high levels of stress he was under SINCE THE SECOND SEUNGHO CAME TO FIND HIM....and all the insane shit he did to him or made him do afterwards.....but 2h from being kidnapped is the only thing that gives him ptsd...wow....it makes sense he has ptsd, but not this way. this makes no sense. and sorry, i am not taking this seriously at all, i just wanted something to enjoy, and expected this to be qualitative as it was hyped so much, but it ends up being pretty art that seems to try to overshadow how absolutely nothing in this story makes sense in the end.....it just seems to gonna be another criminal rapist seme who is gonna be excused cause after all the shit he caused, uke fell in love cause his dick was so magical it erased all repercussions every time it entered him and erased all bad thoughts and seme was healed from his fucked upness by getting withdrawal symptoms from the idea of never being able to use that amazing butt again...that oh so special different butt that only he ever used....WHAT AN AMAZING LOVE STORY

um you're doing too much. and what? you want seungho to continue being mad for something he's LITERALLY in the wrong for? all this time, his pent up anger towards na kyum was because seungho is a possessive bastard who thinks he owns him and couldn't believe that na kyum would dare to run away from him, his anger was just him acting out on his hurt and betrayal which ofc isn't right but it shows he wasn't just randomly angry at nakyum. NOW that he knows he actually didn't run away he obviously gonna feel weird considering the fact he acted out like that and made na kyums life even more of a hell by not wanting to listen to him.
also trauma can happen to whoever, however. he literally was already going through so much with seungho, then to just be randomly captured and threatened. do you really think nakyum would just go on like it's another day? not to mention the fact he couldn't tell anyone and was bottling up his feelings, it's literally normal that his ptsd blew up the way it did. and it goes with the story
as for the noona, let's wait and see what happens. idk if she was the same sister from the previous sister or a new one, but let's see how she herself redeems herself.

I don't think you understand what this story was.... it wasn't a LOVE STORY. It isn't supposed to promote a healthy relationship????? Where tf did anyone get that idea?!?!?!? Do you see a romance genre next to it??????? This is supposed to be a fucked up story. Didn't people figure it out in the first 30 so chapters?!?!?!?!?!?
The story has turned disappointing but not because of the rape and etc etc.. but because it makes no sense?!?!?!

Yes, I want him to be CONSISTENT with his own character?!?!?!?!? If he acted like this BEFORE he confesses his feelings, like say in the first 30 chapters???? I would get it. When he got mad furious after realizing he was betrayed by nakyum after he confessed, I understood that as well. Him calming down SO FAST just because an NPC said some shit is so illogical?!?!?!? He would never believe him??? Like he disregarded the doctor and Mr. Kim etc this is so weird I can't.
Y'all defending this trauma...nakyum has LONG accepted, not even accepted but even initiated sexual advances. He "gave in" to being here, and came to terms with staying with seungho. "I'm waiting for you to go home with me" he said....lest anyone forgets. After seungho confessed, he was a blushing mess etc etc. I get how scary this might be, but I'd expect this kinda TRAUMA if the assassin had at least beaten him around a bit or kept him kidnapped for at least A WEEK???? I get how y'all up in arms with this but to me it is simply too illogical??? Idk
Yeah that noona...god, as if we need more annoying NPCs.

Oh. I know. I was being sarcastic dude. I come from west europe, so sarcasm is in our veins haha. I know it isn't. It obviously cannot ever be romantic. But I cannot shake this feeling some want it to be. So many people talk so absolutely delusional about Seungho and the relationship he has with Nakyum....I was hungry and saw this update just before breakfast and all the insane nutcase comments below, so I just blew up a bit more passionately. I mean, imagine being on this website, starting a manga and liking the art and the start of the story, suddenly it is another rape that is being treated like it was nothing, people in the comments go crazy as if it is some kind of shakespearean love story with eroticism to it and no deaths etc. and when you comment your opinion saying how you disliked the rape glorification, although it all seemed promising you get stuff like "it is just fiction". BRUH.....anywawy....it happened with famous stuff like killing stalking and warehouse, too. EVEN WAREHOUSE! So this being ongoing, and people never stopping to try and make it less harmless than it is be it here, other forums and even TIKTOK, I feel kinda happy to have found you guys. Finally someone who understands what this is about...it is not romance, but a twisted tragic story of people who might have had romance in another dimension.....but all we need now is logical human reactions and consequences to all that has been set in motion....
and for real...WHERE DID THAT SISTER POP UP? I found that weird, too. Nakyum was going through stuff, and she comes now? Like convenient magic? And that dude who everyone just believes and who magically solves the run-away missunderstanding...sure bro....
and yes....seungho is a possessive sadistic person....

Hahaha it's alright. People cam believe what they want to believe...that's what fiction means. I don't think the author means to portray this as a "healthy relationship" from the get go. I mean... it's not about romance. But that didn't make the story useless or toxic etc. This isn't a romantic story but it's still a great story - even with the horrific parts. As long as they have meaning and THERE IS REDEMPTION WHERE IT MAKES SENSE.
THis? This doesn't make sense one lick.
Yes seungho is sadistic and possessive but he's still the most interesting character so far in this story. Nakyum is the eternal victim...even as his character devolves or evolves...people still seem him as a victim and nothing else.
Stories like K&S and Warehouse are important too because they're not promoting anything but psychological war that goes on. Fiction is the only place where people can write about such characters. Warehouse was so good...
I had high hopes from POTN too, and I personally was really looking forward to Seungho's development from the kidnapping arc but NOT LIKE THIS??!?!? My baby has been done so dirty

He has been raped by Seungho for all season 1 and some part of season 2 and yet he only developed PTSD just at the convenient time for telling about the kidnapping without really telling. Seungho almost killed him with a rape marathon in season 1 but he starts to be triggered with a panic attack only when he reminds the same words of the assassin. OP is right, that's too convenient and the storytelling sucks
I'm frankly really disappointed it was resolved this way....this whole kidnapping arc was sooooo fucking disappointing. This bastard NPC comes in...for what? Suddenly telling Seungho about the kidnapping???? How illogical!
And what? All of seungho's anger from betrayal evaporated because this NPC said so???
ALSO WHY tf everyone is acting like seungho should have realized that nakyum was kidnapped???? This dumbass literally admitted it twice "I'm sorry"/ "I won't run away again" // we as readers know...but seungho had no reason to think otherwise. All the evidence was so strong! His coat, only his footsteps, his confession...his sister showing up right afterwards....HIM BELIEVING THIS IRRELEVANT NPC is sooooo idiotic!!! This is how you redeem him???
I have a feeling seungho is going to let nakyum go with his sister...but he won't go. Or he might go but might return when shit hits the fan lol. As useless as a character he is....
UgHhhh AND can you develop trauma after being 2 hours of being kidnapped when you didn't even sustain a SINGLE injury??!!?!?!? I idk....well, I can believe nakyum would be that "sensitive" but idk doesn't seem logical. This is soooooo disappointing!
I wanted seungho to be redeemed through this kidnapping arc by RESCUING NAKYUM and then finding out Jihwa did it LATER.
Oh well.
AND am I the only who dislikes Nakyum's sister??? If he really was that important to you, where were you before???? She tells him to run away and then asks him "where he was all this time??" He couldn't go to you because you asked him to neve return and you have the AUDACITY to be concerned about him??? Pathetic. I don't like her and I wished Seungho smacked her at least once for being so hypocritical and annoying esp to a noble,but I knew he wouldn't. "For nakyum" blah blah