All good points but on his behalf...come on, the dude HAS to know the relationship feels off and that something isn’t right. But he’s content to ignore the fact his wife seems distant or that she’s holding things back because honestly he doesn’t really care and doesn’t wanna know oooor he’s just an idiot. There are so many signs the relationship is not working. On her behalf I get it because sexuality is so so hard to figure out and even accept. Especially with compulsory heterosexuality and internalized homophobia...what I mean to say is I see why SHE hasn’t ended it and uprooted her life by acknowledging her sexuality and romantic interest because she knows what the issue is and she’s scared and has only ever been taught how to live like straight people do and she’s clinging to a sense or normality and she doesn’t really love him romantically so she is rather emotionally numb(?) to how it effects him. But why the hell doesn’t he address any of it!? So many men irl don’t wanna acknowledge problems in relationships or when their partner is unhappy or worse they can’t even see it when it’s obvious. I’m going to assume this isn’t his first relationship with a woman so hoooow can he not see that she’s not that in to him?? Some men are content to just let it be...but that’s how you get stuck in loveless marriages for no reason other than to just be married
"least you can do is fake your pleasure for me, your ugly after all jk jk" "the reason your looking for a job is because your preparing for having my child right?" "she doesnt have the balls to cheat on me" "what a fine WIFE I have" What a Disgusting Pig.
she's apart of the problem too, any sensible self respecting person would have filed for a divorce by now. she's obviously not happy in the marriage and her passivity has only made things worse. cheating is not the solution, folks.