I do kinda hate hime but I think I understand him a bit better too tbh

Julyjewel January 9, 2021 1:13 am

Like they met when she was still only a child, and it's true he didn't tell her anything but I probably couldn't either. Especially if the past is something shameful, on top of the guilt of coming to like someone he'd been caring for since she was a child.
Kinda weird but shes an adult now at least, and I've seen worse age gaps oof :')
Don't want to give him too much credit since idk his past, but I'm hoping he'll reveal it now and she obviously deserves answers! And I hope it'll be bad enough to warrant how he's been acting, though he does seem off lol

    Rababruby January 9, 2021 1:16 am

    Me too! Iā€™m so excited to see what happens next!