You hit the nail on the head. It would seem the majority are unthinking children who are only reading this because of its popularity without any logical awareness or acceptance of what has been presented to us since CHAPTER ONE. Delusion of the highest order. To be expected from kids with low comprehension abilities.

I feel like I see more people complaining about others complaining more than I see actually complaining geez
There’s clearly more to this than smut. The author has presented a story with different characters that each unique backstories that are hinted at and dropped a second later. Don’t bash other people who are hoping slightly more than the same rape scene for another 60+ chapters. I’m fine with the content and I don’t understand the hate being thrown at those who just want a bit more. I’m not asking for fluff and I know no one is going to go skipping off into the sunset but can we get something?
What happened to NK’s teacher? What about Seungho’s past?
I like this story but it’s getting boring and repetitive.
I also like the implication that anyone not ok with rape isn’t an adult.

Let me clarify two difference things here.
I myself have posted criticism on the the story here about the slow development of the main couple and how disappointed I was with the whole kidnapping plot that was so hyped for months and ended up being solely on the purpose of adding the fanservice character plot between Tarzan and Jihwa. In a story with such short chapters, so many loose ends and already plenty of side characters that still didn't get their purpose in the main plot, I have a pet peeve with the author's decision to waste time on a obviously fast food relationship that with 2 second of interaction and history and will probably get fast tracked into a full blown relationship and that seems lopsided considering the half long dragging ass path of the main couple. I myself took a break after the kidnapping thing because it felt repetitive to have Seungho and Nakyum fall into the same pattern. Contrary to what many think, shippers in rape plot tropes rarely read it for the rape or abuse, it's not that these shippers actually have a kink for it ( and honestly for the ones who have it, not judging either otherwise would be a contradiction of what I just advocated that people don't need to explain their reasons for shipping). Anyway, most of readers who engage in rape plot tropes with the implicit promise of an endgame are way more into the redemption arch or plot part of the trope. That is what most enjoy to see, the powerful, mean beast being tamed and dominated by the the person they once owned. Anyway, if the author takes a too heavy hand and stay too long delaying this development, that is expected and what many times happens that some readers either leave or lose patience or take a break.
To lose patience and want more if the story hits a phase that seems to drag too much is not what I am criticizing here. I also want more. I also want to see what happens to In Hun, the father, Seungho's past, etc ( and that is also another reason why I dislike the introduction of fanservice Tarzan so much because now there is a demand for it and the couple will either waste precious short chapters and fall quickly in love or worse yet the author will pause the main couple and other and give background to the couple while yet the main story gets forgotten).
However, I am fully aware and I doubt any reader can tell they don't know it either that no matter how slow paced it moves, the two MCs will have a relationship and that is the story one is choosing to read so my rant is about the readers who know very well this is rape plot and are posting like they were promised or fooled into expecting something else.
I have no problem with shippers who are losing the patience waiting for the main couple development. My problem is with the readers who know the couple is part of a rape plot, they know where the story is going and still choose to read this, choose to stay after 2 year, probably will be here chapter after chapter shaming shippers and whining they are reading a rape plot instead of a social justice story.

On the words below:
"I also like the implication that anyone not ok with rape isn’t an adult. "
I don't even know how you got that I said that.
My point is that as an adult, you make your own choices of what stories you read and you are the only responsible for how you feel about it, not others.
If you are confused with my point, think that Yaoi is a genre with many doors. By doors I mean the subgenera that we can pick from :
I mentioned shotacon, incest, omegaverse, non con stories and how grateful we should be that we have options to make our own choices of fiction, I meant to say that if you choose to enter into a room where you know you will read something you don't like, something you don't feel comfortable, you don't get to whine and complain as if you expecting or fooled that you were reading something else.
If I don't like incest for instance, but I willingly choose to start reading a story because 'the art is so good' or there is a side character that I like, or the story is popular and I want to be in the crowd that it's reading, I do feel that it's absolutely jerk of me to start posting about how much I dislike incest, chapter after chapter, then post topic shaming shippers of the incest couple or demand to be explained how and why people ship them.
So it's not like I am saying that people who are not okay with incest are not adult. I am saying that people who choose to read an incest story and then complain the story is exactly what they already knew would be and shame shippers are childish, rude and jerks. Because you choose to enter that room.
I used incest instead of rape so you can understand that non con fiction is just another choice of non normative fiction adults have the freedom to read or avoid.
If a person has a strong opinion about incest, shotacon, non con or whichever genre, it seems way more mature and sincere if they go to the main forum and express their general opinion there as opposed to pick a story to read then remain to the end whining that they are reading something they don't like or shame people.
I'm not sure if that was the 'adult' reference you took it. The other thing I mentioned is that rape plot stories are made for adults and what I meant to say with this is that the lame meme 'normalize rape' is a fake stupid argument because in order for something to be normalized, it implies that the readers are not smart or old enough to understand that rape in fiction doesn't make rape in real life normal. I challenge any person who ever throws this phrase tell me how many rape plot stories they would need to read before they start thinking rape is normal. No one, absolutely no one will be convinced rape is normal after reading Yaoi rape plot trope, unless they are a child and in this case they shouldn't be reading non normative stories in the first place ( even so, I doubt young adults can't tell rape in fiction does not mean normal in real life but stories where the abuse is blurred and disguised as cute and never explicit)

I don't know what to tell you except we may be reading different comment sections.
I am not one for naming accounts but POTN comment section being plagued by readers who shame the shippers of Seungho x Nakyum is not a novelty.
From chapter one they knew this would be a rape plot trope and once in a while it peak me up the sense of entitlement that is for some people to engage in stories that they are not okay with and then demand shippers and other readers to make them feel comfortable.
Again, we may be talking about different readers here. I am only and specifically talking readers who shame shippers and or post as if they were promised a social justice story where the MCs have a different ending than rape plot tropes ( that they know very well it's the whole subgenera they pick to read).

I honestly see more of you complaining about them complaining ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
I think it’s ridiculous that we can’t let people voice their opinions or frustrations in the comment section. That’s literally why it’s here. You honestly seem like the entitled one here who doesn’t want to let anyone else have a voice.

Okay, now you are being plainly dishonest.
Everyone can have a voice. Some choose to be assholes when voicing their opinions.
Shaming shippers and dictating what others should find morally acceptable to ship or not I not voice opinion, it's being childish, especially, after I said, it was your choice to pick a rape plot trope and act here as if you were promised something else.
No patience for the children to got lost entering a door that they shouldn't and then act like everyone else should babysit their feelings.
I ship Seungho and Nakyum.
I know what I am reading, I know what I signed up for.
I don't like some kind of stories in Yaoi. I don't like incest, I don't like shotacon. I don't like omegaverse.
I am grateful, blessed that I can, as adult, choose to read something without censorship. Thought or morality police dictating what others should or not ship is for China and I pity what it is to live in an environment where your choices are done by others, including fiction.
I can't relate to readers who, knowing that this is a rape plot, choose to read this and then go on acting as if they were promised something else. Worse yet, time and time again post here shaming shippers.
Let me say this again: dub con stories are or at least should be for adults. Adults don't own explanations to you or anyone else about what they ship or not.
Choosing to read a rape plot story just so you can chapter after chapter shame shippers and pat yourself in the back is not a show of superiority or morality. It's childish, it's rude and it's sad. Sad because no one, no one should feel ashamed or censored for escaping to fiction of their choice. A lot of readers here use the excuse of 'expressing their opinion' to push on others their morality and worse yet, demand an explanation from others.
As I said, I don't like shotacon, incest, omegaverse. I can't imagine starting a story only because 'the art is so good' and because everyone else is reading I don't want to be out of the cloud and then chapter after chapter complain that .... the story is exactly what I expected to be.
It's a fucking rape plot. No one can at this stage of the story say with a clean face that they thought they would be reading a social justice piece or whatever it is that they want the story to be for their sake.
There are so many good stories in here that do not involve noncon, that have healthy or cute or whichever is the brand of romance one may like that it's beyond compreenhension why people act like assholes choosing a particular brand that they know in advance just so they can fell better about themselves shaming, shaming, shaming shippers.
Look at the merchandise of this story. Look at the trope developing. Unless the author is planning a big bait and switch, what is unlikely, this story will develop like we all expect for the kind of story we choose to read. Soon or later the two MCs will be in a relationship so forgive me if I scowl at the readers who act like they were promised something else.
There is no problem at all not to tolerate non con. There is a main forum in here where you can go and place your opinion on how you dislike the genre, not only for this story but all of them. Still you park yourself on POTN because it's a popular story as if this was the place to protest your brand of morality.
Last but not least. let me tell what is misguided outrage. Rape plot stories like POTN are meant for adults. That means that people reading this will never magically be convinced that rape is normal so stop repeating this idiotic meme about 'normalizing rape'. No matter how many rape plots one read, they will not start thinking rape in normal in real life unless they are mentally challenged. Just like rooting for murderous Yakuza, or enjoying a kinky incest in fiction will never make a sane person think these crimes are normal.
Do you know where you should park your morality 'don't normalize abuse'? in the shone ai stories that never quite show the rape but use the same trope of dominant seme abusing, bullying the uke until he relents and falls in love and all this is directed to pre teens. That is the only and most dangerous area of this BL word where the justification of 'normalizing in fiction can actually groom the idea in impressionable minds that this is cute and normal'. However, 99% of the readers who spend their time shaming shippers in adult rape plots (that are by standard fantasy and impossible to be taken seriously) are the same ones who gush and defend the much worse danger in those stories that, exactly because they blur the line and pass the abuse as cutesy, are the ones you should be targeting.
Anyway, if you read to the end: this is rape plot. You know how this will end. Read the room. See the author merch. You choose to read this, you signed up for this. You don't get to go a steak house and complain that you expected vegan food and then be that asshole who demands everyone else to explain why they are not vegan.