So the father was a ok person in the begining?

Alenira January 8, 2021 10:25 pm

From what i gather the father was an ok person to begin with, he love the mother and wanted to protect her and the child she was carrying. He didnt care that the mother hads no powwers despite having blond hair and golden eyes, he returned to the palace to siece power to protect them. He went to war and slowly the Palace influenced him and the mother became like a fewer dream to him. He became opsessed with finding someone with the power to subdue the beast ppl. He fears the beats ppl for their power. He married the empress because of her heritage to the last "chosen/ blessed" hoping one of theri childredn would have the power/ blessing. No luck he then started to look for all blond heired golden eyed ppl and have them married into the imperial family.. Blondie comes and he remeber "oh right i had a woman i onced loved who was preganat with my kid"... and yet "btw daughter, your the oledst but of mixed blood so your not part of this family, dont cause trouble"... Ffs.. a real piece of work.. while looking ath your daughter thats almost the spititng immage of her mother whom you loved enough to siece power for ... all you can think is "to bad her eyes are blue and not golden"... ffs you have blue eyes to ahole...and so do all your other children..
He knows his mixed blood daughte is friends with a person form the leopard tribe and the person is quite fond of her... and yet hes like "what ever, goa find the person who can tame the beats ppl"... Despite said thing happening right infront of his eyes.. He realy must see her as "unworth" because of her mothers commoner blood... and yet at the same time he is willing to marry his pother daughter to any guy she finds that has blond hair and golden eyes .. no mater their status.. a real hypercrit

    scalene apple January 8, 2021 10:29 pm

    lol i thought u were saying he was a good person at the start and i was gonna say whattt but lol u described that him even better than me

    Riaya January 8, 2021 10:47 pm

    He also saw her mom as useless since Blondina's mom had the blonde hair and golden eyes yet no power even though he used to love her.

    Alenira January 8, 2021 11:18 pm
    He also saw her mom as useless since Blondina's mom had the blonde hair and golden eyes yet no power even though he used to love her. Riaya

    well that part was ovous with the "so did your mom become a mistress of some rich guy" coment.. after blondie said she died from lung desease..
    He pretymuch asked if the mom who he had loved... whore'd her self out.. after having been told she died waicthing for him to returm

    Spade January 8, 2021 11:40 pm
    well that part was ovous with the "so did your mom become a mistress of some rich guy" coment.. after blondie said she died from lung desease..He pretymuch asked if the mom who he had loved... whore'd her self ... Alenira

    Right he didn’t even apologize for his comment on her mother. That’s not only rude but it just shows how much of an a**hole he’s become.