Love it!

Zero October 12, 2015 12:29 am

Great manga, really similar feel to Wild Life, which is really awesome (One of my favs) ^^

Looks like it's only 5 volumes long, though, so that's a bit of a shame, but I'm really looking forward to the coming chapters anyway. I also saw the cover of volume 5, where it looks like Tasuku has grown up (possibly a med student, or maybe even a surgeon?), so I'm really looking forward to reading that! :3

    Wei December 16, 2015 11:26 am

    i know right. It's amazing enough just to think he can be a doc just like that. I wonder what would be like in the real life like lol

    Wei December 16, 2015 11:27 am
    i know right. It's amazing enough just to think he can be a doc just like that. I wonder what would be like in the real life like lol Wei

    a doctor don't know the proper name of the medical just too funny lol