I can't

Terry January 8, 2021 3:02 pm

This is a circus. People hating on Jihwa and Nameless One who was doing his JOB but being forgivable towards Seungho or even justifying his actions are hilarious.

    Fatalpoison January 8, 2021 3:17 pm

    No one has ever justified Seungho's actions

    Terry January 8, 2021 3:22 pm
    No one has ever justified Seungho's actions Fatalpoison

    No one. Please.

    fabi_geraldo January 8, 2021 3:25 pm

    "Doing his job" hahahahahahahHahHaHAHAHA

    Terry January 8, 2021 3:25 pm
    "Doing his job" hahahahahahahHahHaHAHAHA fabi_geraldo

    Like he is assassin ;") so theoretically it's his occupation.

    Natsumi_ January 8, 2021 3:44 pm
    Like he is assassin ;") so theoretically it's his occupation. Terry

    For fuck's sake they are blaming Jihwa but it's not him that raped Nakyum for two chapters in a row. Seungho had many chances to listen from Nakyum, and even that useless mr Kim tried to convince him Nk didn't run away. Seungho needed the most untrustworthy person to tell him directly in order to understand.

    Terry January 8, 2021 3:48 pm
    For fuck's sake they are blaming Jihwa but it's not him that raped Nakyum for two chapters in a row. Seungho had many chances to listen from Nakyum, and even that useless mr Kim tried to convince him Nk didn't ... Natsumi_

    Double standard towards characters is a norm in BL world unfortunately. Beside killing and causing some drastic health problem, ML can do literally anything. SH could rape NK for next 100 chapters but in 209 author would reveal his sad backstory and he would hug NK... And everyone would praise how he has changed and what a great story.
    The bar is not even low. There is literally no bar anymore.

    vibes January 8, 2021 3:50 pm

    no one is hating on the assassin though

    Terry January 8, 2021 3:55 pm
    no one is hating on the assassin though vibes

    I've definitely seen few comments hating on both juhwa and assassin.

    xxstoopidxx January 8, 2021 4:01 pm

    the bar in this fandom is rlly low ;-; ppl rlly wath seungho to a bunch of shiz but the momment he does smt alittle bit noice everyone suddenly like wow character development finally watch he fonna do smt again then ppl gonna get mad then switch real quick once he "makes up" for it

    hwi's h0e January 8, 2021 4:50 pm
    the bar in this fandom is rlly low ;-; ppl rlly wath seungho to a bunch of shiz but the momment he does smt alittle bit noice everyone suddenly like wow character development finally watch he fonna do smt aga... xxstoopidxx

    For real?! I really saw someone go like "omg Seungho raised Nakyum's hand to his forehead here comes the character development" kinda wanted to strangle them