Kay was the one who put Yoon in the predicament that he is right now with Vasya, he knew Vasya was on his trail so he brough and mixed Yoon into the business when Yoon was looking for a job, and Vasya isn't any better too; with the extreme obsession and possession he wants to have over yoon, even though Vasya truly loves yoon he doesn't want to scare yoon away that's why he thinks such tactics of fear will keep yoon by his side. That's why I don't support the idea of Yoon wanting to even think of escaping Vasya with Kay because Kay can betray him again. T-T I just wish Yoon's friend the police officer (forgot his name), could help him out.

Yeah that’s what I’m saying. I wish Kay could have been an escape for him but Kay is so obviously going to betray him and leave him behind.
I think the police officer friends name was Chris (not sure can’t remember and can’t be bothered to look) I worry if he gets any more involved that Vasya will get jealous and angry and end up hurting him or use threatening hurting him to get Yoon to continue doing what he wants. In all this all I can think is that no matter what he does, Yoon is backed into a corner and I wish he could catch a break.
I kinda wish he could take Kay up on the offer and run but honestly I don’t trust Kay. He knew what he was doing when he disappeared and left Yoon to take care of the laundering. He knew Yoon would have no choice and no way to run. Yeah he gave some flippant “wanna run away together” before he disappeared but how the fuck was Yoon supposed to know he was serious.
I don’t particularly like the way Vasya treats Yoon or the danger he’s in but I don’t trust Kay, he’s just using Yoon again and he’ll up and vanish again too.