Disappointed but not surprised

Terry January 8, 2021 1:37 pm

It's always like that in BL stories. Everyone swears how they hate seme and that what he has done is unforgivable but just one chapter, few panels of him showing the BARE minimum, for once acting a little bit like a human being... is enough for readers to give him a second chance and hide his disgusting wrongdoings in some dark corner of their minds.

    kate216 January 8, 2021 1:34 pm

    i mean,,,, where's the lie tho ??

    yaoitrash❀ January 8, 2021 1:52 pm

    Bruh for real, It's "oh nooo, so anyways" scenario all over again. I absolutely despise Seungho but I'm trying to consider his past and the era they're in. I empathize on that but more than anything, I hate him. I just continue to read this for Nakyum, hoping everything will get better for him because he deserves all the good things in life. (´・・`)

    Natsumi_ January 8, 2021 1:57 pm

    Also don't you hate how convenient all of this is?
    PTSD striking at the right moment
    Min arriving at the right moment and casually snitchin Jihwa
    Seungho noticing only now NK had bruises (but he tied him too and he had a broken wrist!) and conveniently feeling regret
    Next chapter of the main story i feel it will be Seungho letting him go with the noona, with a magic redemption he doesn't deserve. And of course he would seek revenge on Jihwa as if he is not the cause of all that trauma
    Also Nameless as a character doesn't make sense at all. He didn't disfigure Nk because he pitied him for putting up with nobles, and yet he left him to a worse fate. If he disfigured him at least they could believe him ^^''
    But everyone is acting dumb just for this stupid plot go on.

    yaoitrash❀ January 8, 2021 2:13 pm
    Also don't you hate how convenient all of this is?PTSD striking at the right momentMin arriving at the right moment and casually snitchin JihwaSeungho noticing only now NK had bruises (but he tied him too and h... Natsumi_

    I just hope author makes Nakyum not forgive Seungho. Make him suffer. Although I doubt even that would make me like his character. He has just done so much bad that giving him a redeeming arc just feels like eating vomit and that is also too convenient. Hopefully it doesn't fall into another category of victim falling in love with their abuser trope. It really had so much potential.

    Natsumi_ January 8, 2021 2:23 pm
    I just hope author makes Nakyum not forgive Seungho. Make him suffer. Although I doubt even that would make me like his character. He has just done so much bad that giving him a redeeming arc just feels like ea... yaoitrash❀

    This is clearly going towards the victim falling for his rapist since chapter 1

    yaoitrash❀ January 8, 2021 2:28 pm
    This is clearly going towards the victim falling for his rapist since chapter 1 Natsumi_

    Yea, sadly.

    Terry January 8, 2021 2:57 pm
    Also don't you hate how convenient all of this is?PTSD striking at the right momentMin arriving at the right moment and casually snitchin JihwaSeungho noticing only now NK had bruises (but he tied him too and h... Natsumi_

    Oh of course I also see how predictable and blocky the plotline has became. Like everything is so convenient all of sudden. NK didn't have much trauma after SH's actions, now he got one after abduction, he couldn't say anything so we got rape scene extra and SH just had to tied him in the same way as assassin did, then Noona just had to overhear and came for a rescue, Min also magically appeared in all of that... And SH noticing bruises magically just now.

    Yes I'm nearly sure the story is going to go down the path: SH letting NK go with his Noona... Yay redemption arc + author revealing brutal and tragic SH's past to make reader's sympathetic so they won't think for even a second if they should forgive him.

    Terry January 8, 2021 3:54 pm
    Oh of course I also see how predictable and blocky the plotline has became. Like everything is so convenient all of sudden. NK didn't have much trauma after SH's actions, now he got one after abduction, he coul... Terry

    Although I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even let NK go.
    So his redeemtion more or less would look like: throwing NK some scraps of affection and acting nicely as long as NK will follow his will.
    But it's either it or SH mercifully letting NK go FOR SOME TIME ofc. Because I hope no one has delusions they won't be reunited together sooner than later.