
i hv been feeling the same thing for these past few months, but i had to bottle it up bc other ppl cant stop saying that they want haise to be gone so that kaneki can come back. im glad that other readers are starting to realise that haise is an important character too. ofc i miss kaneki so much but just gah im bad at expressing stuffs. it just that kaneki and haise are equally important to me.

People are saying they want Kaneki back. Well.....I actually come to like Haise. He's more like a 'Normal' part of Kaneki Ken. Let's admit this, Kaneki has gone mad at the end of the first series. He need more normal personality to maintain the balance between Ghoul'Human sides of himself. Haise is the result from him gone mad and split personality occur.
I didn't say I don't want Kaneki back, I do truly love Kaneki Ken. I just hope that if someday Kaneki Ken memories are all back....this 'Haise' will not dissappear. I love to see Haise/Kaneki whoever they are because in the end both of them are "The same person"
Haise is like Kaneki when he still Human at the start of the series. He remind me of how kind Kanekikun is at the start. How funny he can be. The Badass Kaneki is the result from Ghoul life invading his private life, which bring dramas and sadness....
So when I saw people comment that they want Haise gone and Kaneki back Im a little bit sad. Since Haise bring happiness to his life once more....and little by little , trying to come to terms with Human and Ghoul with a normal mind. Befcause when 'Kaneki' memories come back, there will be a lot of pain and anst in his life again...So we should thank for Haise to bring some happiness into his life before everyting gone wrong again...