My guess is that they got his son thinking it was fengs son. So probably yujins son is out their being held as leverage against him. The only thing is they didn't knew he switched the sperm.
Didn't fengfeng tell his assistant to store yiyi's egg..i think it didn't develop into a baby Manju
Yeah but somehow when they mentioned it, it got me thinking that maybe they did mention is so that they could use it later in the story. like how the egg got stolen etc and by surprise yujun runs into his own son by surprise.
Yeah but somehow when they mentioned it, it got me thinking that maybe they did mention is so that they could use it later in the story. like how the egg got stolen etc and by surprise yujun runs into his own s... Nitrogenix
I would actually love to see yi yun and Feng raise another child together
Umm I still wanna know what happened to yi yun’s sperm, did we all just forget about that?