Agree. People are getting wayyy too mad at Param. Also Mr. Han really manipulated and groomed Param into it, and during it... Like, yes, Param should and could have said no early on, but blaming the victim of these circumstances is NEVER the answer.
Also fr Param doesn't even like Han anymore, he just realized he still subconsciously wanted to sleep with him and then regretted it.
But also on the flip side, I also kinda disagree-- Hwi asked Param out and they had upcoming? (idk how many days before the date are left in the timeline) date planned. Technically Param doesn't owe Hwi to not have sex with anyone else, but it's kind-of a decency thing. Mostly because we as readers are upset because we know it'll crush Hwi.
also idk if this is even trying to tell us not to: but let us bully the shit out of Mr. H*n bc he's absolute flaming garbage.
Y'all need to chill tf out, there's no reason to get pressed. It's not like Hw and Param are dating. Hwi has feelings, and Param is unsure. Get over yourselves like damn