Looking for manga I read years ago and only remember snippets and not knowing it’s name ...

。Kimiko 。 January 8, 2021 1:34 am

Looking for manga I read years ago and only remember snippets and not knowing it’s name will fucking bother me.... okay so it’s not a Yaoi the MC is pretty much a gullible idiot but the lame kind and he would get jobs from this really old short man ... eh

The cover if I remember correctly was a guy with his back to us wearing a red shirt with this turtle armor looking shit with a 1 on it

The villain is a fucking weirdo that is a yakuza boss that enjoys pain and has piercings on his dick and walks around wearing bondage... at one point he is torturing some guy and ends up cutting the guy’s penis in half

There are twins who used to be triplets but they killed the third one because of a competition (idfk some fucked shit) and they asked these two for a lack of a better word, whores who was better at sex and they both said they were both good (wrong answer x,x) so they asked again but this time they had to choose between them so one girl chooses one twin Andy the other one chooses the other one making it a tie (a horrible mistake) the twins get bitter because the other girl (the one that didn’t vote for them) chose the other twin (makes literally no sense but please bare with me x.x) and they ended up literally scalping one of the girls and I think they cut off the boobs of the other one while asking which one was better both girls choose one twin... that twin is happy while the other twin is pissed off and kills them and then they start to fight...

That’s all I remember... it’s a cursed manga and I still don’t know why I read it.

    ayaaaghorl January 8, 2021 1:47 am

    lmfao what i wanna read this

    。Kimiko 。 January 8, 2021 1:54 am

    I remember more in the beginning this group of people (idk what to call them) I think they were cleaners like the kind that clean up crime scenes they cleaned up after the MC’s messes and I forget what happened but one of them got caught by the yakuza boss while hiding in this cupboard thing and the yakuza boss stabs him and asks what his final wish is and his wish was for someone to have sex with his dead body.... (this guy actually fucks all the corpses while the rest clean up all the blood and stuff...) and the yakuza boss basically said your wish is my command and killed him and made one of his subordinates fuck the guy’s corpse (rip subordinate guy the dude isn’t even cute) then yakuza boss calls the old short man and basically told him what he did... that’s all I remember for now

    。Kimiko 。 January 8, 2021 2:09 am
    lmfao what i wanna read this ayaaaghorl

    OMFG I FOUND IT http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/ichi_the_killer/