saying my fathers daughter instead of my husband is sad it means that y r no longer with him although the love y felt to each other

Unfortunately life doesn't have the happy endings that romance stories normally have. Especially when they person you love is a mess. Plus I was to smart for him and to prideful to pretend I didn't sometimes know more then him. I realize now that the only thing about himself he was proud of was his intelligence so he needed to be the smartest in the room. He just got a new wife and she's never gonna challenge him intellectually. Whenevef he complains to me that she never learns anything I have to work hard to refrain from laughing and saying-but isn't that what u love about her. I feel pity for them both. He's constan trying to change her and she's often upset that he's mean to her. If it wasn't for our kid I prob wouldn't deal with him much. It's just sad-his insecurity and inability to be ok with himself have him in a constant state of instability and unable to kick his drug addiction. I may have had my heart broken but I have a wonderful child and a stable, comfortable life. I just have learned to leave the passionate love affairs to fiction. Srsly if I ever decide to give love another try its gonna be with a super nice, super stable, older guy.
Means finding them to be the biggest fucking assholes ever. My daughters father was the biggest love of my life but I used to want to kill him regularly. Whenever he was super wrong and knew it(like when I was 8 months pregnant and he laughed at me when I lost my balance and got tangled up in the vacumn) he'd call me "baby" in this super annoying tone. My pet name for him was ass or asinine ass. Now it's shitlord but I'm not in love with him anymore. He always called me baby or dumb bitch which id make fun of him for saying bc of it was such an uninspired & cliché insult. Falling in love and being in love, especially when you start out as friends seems to also mean that you experience not just intense love but intense rage. I find when u love someone so much that it's physically painful to be separated then all your other emotions in regards to that person are extreme as well; hurt, happiness, sadness, joy, heartbreak. I like that this manga shows how much loving someone also means finding them beyond annoying.