
毛明悦 January 7, 2021 11:50 pm

Taehyun looked a bit sexy when he was asking for consent to be honest. I feel like his actions aren't (technically) bad toward Param, but his motives are dangerously ominous. And since Hwi aren't and Param aren't dating, he doesn't really owe Hwi exclusive sex. (And Param liked Taehyun BEFORE Hwi). Trust me, Taehyun grinds my gears just as much as the next person, but I do not like seeing all this Param hate. Even Hwi did some controversial shit by saying he was only originally going to toy with Param knowing that his body was sensitive. Like ya'll are letting your bias toward Daddy Hwi get in the way of appreciating sexy Param. Oh and Taehyun... what a jackass for fucking over all those men he met at the club.

- signed both a Param and Hwi simp respectfully periodt
