I see your point, which is why I said that Param is the problem in this story. He doesn’t know how to discern his judgment and just goes off on a tangent with Mr. Han. However, it isn’t wrong per say that he fucked him since they aren’t in a relationship. Idk how to fully explain this but if we’re gonna base it objectively, he hasn’t committed to Hwi YET. He was asked on a date but they aren’t in an exclusive relationship. It’s fucked up but basically Param doesn’t know sensitivity

It really is :') Param is horny af and is seemingly stringing along two men which is why I also believe he should’ve rejected the date in the first place. This guy is easily swayed so he might as well stick to one night stands before dreaming of having a relationship with either of Hwi and Mr. Han. It’s like he’d rather have a threesome than choose hahaha that’s how undecided he is

Fr but like i still feel that he trust and have like real feelings for Hwi. It's like different when he is with Hwi. But with Mr. Han.. It just feels like a one night stand and then he forget what happened but with Hwi i feel like he enjoys it more and like there's feelings and not just a dude he wanna fuck with.

Fr but like i still feel that he trust and have like real feelings for Hwi. It's like different when he is with Hwi. But with Mr. Han.. It just feels like a one night stand and then he forget what happened but with Hwi i feel like he enjoys it more and like there's feelings and not just a dude he wanna fuck with.
Hehehh sry i was supposed to replay to you

but that's not what he/she is saying. how am i being fake by thinking about both sides am not just thinking about param but hwi to. it seem like you only care about one and not the other. hwi ask him on a date and param said yes hwi did not force param to date him he said yes ON HIS OWN WITH HIS OWN MOUTH if he knew he only liked him for sexual attraction he should of told him no. param was dead ass wrong you ignorant asf for walking around saying that shit like it's okay and he's playing with him and sending him false hope in the same way mr. han did to param. on top of that param only rerget the situation he has not even felt sorry toward hwi or even acknowledge how hwi will feel about the situation. how are we being "so fake" you think that just because we care about him we suppose to have is side 24/7. if he's wrong he's wrong lik are you even thinking about hwi's feelings at all. the only thing i heard you say was all about param. i never read once in the whole paragraph you acknowledge hwi and how he may felt so you telling me if your crush did the same thing to you. you will stay calm and not feel hurt. or should i fly to your city and fuck him to see

Yep, I def feel for Hwi which is why I want Param to sort and evaluate his feelings in the first place before actually agreeing on that date. He knew he still liked Mr. Han but he’s confusing and hurting Hwi also with his actions. I was just focusing on his actions about whether it was objectively right or wrong for him to fuck Mr. Han since everyone was mad at Param
Just my thoughts, a lot would probably disagree on me but I don’t know why people are getting angry since last chap about him going to Mr. Han. Yeah we know he’s absolute trash but all Param probably wanted was to get a good fuck. It seems to me that he doesn’t actually want to be emotionally involved with him but more like he is “sexually attracted” in that sense. He isn’t in a relationship with Hwi either so it’s not like he cheated on him (though it does hurt seeing him do that shit). I’m just waiting to see whether any of the guys are gonna ask him on a date or want to be in a relationship with him. They’re all adult men so whoever they sleep around shouldn’t even be gatekeeped in the first place cause none of them are a couple here ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
In other words, Param needs to get himself sorted out cause he doesn’t exactly know what he wants so his judgment’s clouded lol. He will definitely hurt Hwi’s feelings but Hwi also never told Param that he wanted to be in a relationship with him that’s cause he knows Param likes Mr. Han so unless they finally set some boundaries and communicate, they are just fuck buddies atm