you're an stupid and impolite kid. you brat need to go to chool and learn how to behave. 2nd you don't have any right to wish death to anyone especially to some stranger like me and bashing with primitive idiotic comment which offends me on many ways, on this manga. I really pitty humanity for such brats from USA mainly occuping this world of manga and manhwa which before had deeper meaning.

I really won't bother reading your comment since from first few words you already contradict yourself :) gosh such kids like you need to be PUNISHED. I really wonder what's your parents for rising such shit of human. *O* better learn something in life and how to talk with unknown person. I really feel sorry for just this world of manga which was really great place and nowdays filled with unpolite stupid ignorant and egocentric brats and their stupid pointless comments. eh humanity..
gosh... all characters here are messed up!!! only I am for his wife! Ha Jin is hot but an ASSHOLE for doing such job and for neglecting and looking don his wife I would chop of his jewels for this T_T I hate when men are high and mighty just because they're hot and are practically coldhearted bastards ho like to have everything under their control. a for CHicken boy gosh guys he's just an horny boy. *o* I don't blame him and wife just gives him a chance to be horny like that. if she was decideful he wouldn;t be that persistant.
oh gosh and she told husband >< now what?>!>!>