gosh..again tons of STUPID comments from BRATS who DIDN'T UNDERSTAND this story nor sensei...

SamuraiSx October 9, 2015 3:06 pm

gosh..again tons of STUPID comments from BRATS who DIDN'T UNDERSTAND this story nor sensei's style. T_T
what's going with today's age when I come across good psuhological yaoi manga and see pointless stupid comments from kids who don't need to be here at all reading this. T_T I think mangago needs really to censure for younger than 18 years yaoi manga.

as for manga~ uhh good goshh MY FEELS!! that was sooo teasing so heartwrteching sad painful but romantic and sweet at the end. >_<
as always sensei's work always impress me with its deepness and brutality when it comes to psyhology of characters and their personalities and main emotion 'love' in stories like this. it was so twisted and confusing in terms how we should feel Shuuji and Kazuomi and their encounter.. acctually I so much liked the ending! thats the attitude I felt from uke he's acctually maso x3 Kazuomi was really complex he did had hate but he didn't see that he acctually wanted to like his brother later on after their coming together closer and breaking proudful wall around Shuuji he realised liking him.. but was stubborn and driven with still a bit of hate towards such people looking down on him and his mother.. he was acctually waiting for Shuuji to acknowledge himand to appologize for all that happened at the past.. alo we need to see the point of SHuuji he had familly but as little one he came to know his father cheated on mother and this is really painful especially for kids who enjoy warmth of familly this was dirty to Shuuji he wanted to tell that to women who out of pleasure' stole his father as he thought. adults always make stupid mistakes and kids fall to their trap and are being unhappy that's because in most cases adults don't release that they are selfish and they should pay attention to those who couldn't chose how to be born or from ho or when or where.. and so on Shuuji after that accident as kid always had a feeling of guilt but wasn't free enough to confess and appologize for that.. he deired at one point to be punished by Kazuomi unconsciouslly. later on we can see that he acctually wanted to be pushed to the corners by him and just wasn't honet ith himself enough. sister plays small role here as only 'fired up obstacle' to Kazuomi to obtain goal of finansing his studies with money of Shuuji's father.. acctually I really hate when people pay too much attention to blood relations. so what if he's not their child I would gladly help talented and motivated kid to go study if he wants it o.o people sometimes can look really stupid and be really harsh. I am glad Shuuji broke his wall of proudful self and confessed to Kazuomi honestly giving him support. also Kazuomi needed something like that to lift his pain and anger and replace it with new future goals and love. wwww I really liked it. thanks sensei :)
I liked also that no much info we got just scatters and blurry 'picture' on the story and behind it gives us place to create more detailed picture by ourelves I like how sensei main point tuffed into expresing psyhologically characters their emotions and encountering with each other till end ~ uh good one for those who like deep confusing painful twisted but romantic yaoi piece :3

    Niino Byberry October 10, 2015 9:46 pm


    Geo December 4, 2015 5:58 am

    Someone with a brain xD
    It was beautiful <3

    KAGEYUKI January 16, 2016 6:21 am


    QQ Mobile January 16, 2016 8:20 am

    Just because people disagree with your 'OPINION' doesn't give you the right to call them BRATS. Plus, the 'stupid comments' that you so eloquently point out are honest and genuine comments like yours are... yet I do not see anyone call you out for it. So sad ( ̄へ ̄)

    Starscreamhoe January 16, 2016 4:47 pm
    Just because people disagree with your 'OPINION' doesn't give you the right to call them BRATS. Plus, the 'stupid comments' that you so eloquently point out are honest and genuine comments like yours are... yet... QQ Mobile

    This! If you have to resort to calling people names because they don't have the same opinion as yours, that makes YOU the BRAT.

    lenalena January 17, 2016 2:29 pm

    I think you should edit your comment to replace the first paragraph with an apology so you don't sound like a judgemental jerk. You don't know how old the readers are nor their capacities to analyze a story.

    I'm 25 and was dissatisfied with Kazuomi's development in the end. I understood Shuuji and whatever else. But it's as if once he loses the school funds and Shuuji says he'll give him the funds and his life, Kazuomi accepts him either because of the school funds or because he's now alone and has nothing else. I don't like that. It's not sweet nor touching nor intense. Just makes him seem pathetic.

    Also as someone else said, facial expressions were drawn with little to no emotion. Makes the characters and reader feel detached.

    pinku January 17, 2016 7:16 pm

    I agree with the three comments above. I like sensei but this particular manga of hers is not so agreeable in my opinion. You're calling others names and being rude. Are you sure you even sound smart over there (≧∀≦) hahaha

    SamuraiSx January 22, 2016 11:06 am
    I think you should edit your comment to replace the first paragraph with an apology so you don't sound like a judgemental jerk. You don't know how old the readers are nor their capacities to analyze a story. I'... lenalena

    I will not answer seprately to everyone cause I don't have time. o I'll answer just yours and it means for all those 'felthearted' comments above.
    Firstly everyone who got offended by my post just proved that are brats. And I am suprised that you with 25 years says such things.
    At first with meaning 'BRATS' I cathegorized everyone who ISn'T READY nor UNDERSTANDABLE enough of life, manga, this genre, people's emotions and psyhology, leaving real age behind. And then I stated about kids and underage.
    There are people who can understand such complicated emotons in 14th year and yet there are people who can't understand it even in their 30th or 50h year of life, sadly.

    As for you, I think you should reread manga and look deeper into their characters and reasons and emotions, and sensei wanted that from readers by such drawing ith less expressions. this is syhological manga it' isn't comedy slice of life or shounen where expressions are important. each genre has it's own features and ou can't make everyone do same things especially authors of manga.
    As for both of them you took the story too easy, their relationship isn't that shallo. I hpe you can understand their emotions and reasons after rereading or maybe reading more of such stuff and understanding varous people's characters and moods and life cirumanities also way of expressing themself.

    Starscreamhoe January 22, 2016 1:42 pm
    I will not answer seprately to everyone cause I don't have time. o I'll answer just yours and it means for all those 'felthearted' comments above.Firstly everyone who got offended by my post just proved that ar... SamuraiSx

    Unfortunately, you still don't seem to get that point that Lenalena, and others were making. People are going to have their opinions and they're going to differ from yours. To immediately go into such a condescending and negative reply was very special snowflake/brat like/lalalala I can't hear you...because I liked this, so Goddammit, EVERYONE will like this!!!!!! I mean look at how you started this response, lmao! I don't need to, nor anyone else who has read this manga and already formed their opinion on it; read it again. I was already following it and rereading the chapters after each new chapter came out anyway. I understand perfectly what this story was trying to go for and I think it failed in its execution! IMO, it was a terribly put together manga, with bad characters, weak side characters, a weak back story, and a romance that doesn't come off as believable. It doesn't negate the fact that I like some of this mangakas other works, but that does not affect my opinion on this particular title. You only want people to reread the manga simply because you want them to see your opinion, without acknowledging the opinions of others. It doesn't work that way.