hwi asked param on a date and confessed his feelings and param accepted the date...and then went to go sleep with mr han... you wouldnt be hurt? also, i get it param is an adult and can do what he wants but this will have negative effects on hwi and params relationship ...this whole story weve been winded up to seeing param and hwis relationship and now weve hit a major shift it makes sense for people to be upset

Lmao I feel bad for the people you “date” in the future. Agreeing to go on a date with somebody and/or having sex with them doesn’t mean you owe them anything. Somebody telling you they like you also doesn’t mean you’re obligated to return their feelings or commit to them. That’s a personal decision so trying to say Param owes Hwi to be loyal just because Hwi said he likes him and asked him on a date completely takes away Param’s free will. It isn’t cheating unless both parties have agreed to be in an exclusive relationship and one steps outside that dishonestly. Your welcome for this life lesson
Why are people annoyed at Param? Because he's not dating Hwi, he can do whatever he wants. He didn't 'betray' him.