It tries not to be mysogonistic... But it is.

Lauvil January 7, 2021 10:07 am

I was having a hard time putting into words what it was about this manga that totally rubbed me the wrong way, and I think I finally got it.

The premise is that the mc is a strong, independent woman who's had to work hard in order to chase her dreams and fulfil her ambitions.
As a female business owner, she's used to dealing with misogyny and sexual harassment, while being underestimated and looked down on by her male peers. Which is not really unusual in male-dominated fields where power is involved (and even those where it isn't).
The struggle is very real and the manga's the portrayal of that aspect is very realistic.
It's these things that makes it very infuriating to be a woman, sometimes, and it kinda hits where it hurts.

So, it's really disappointing and infuriating that the FL's struggles are only used as a backdrop. At least to me it seems that it's only included to make the reader relate to her and understand her stubborn personality (as if it needed justification).
The ML and the romance aspect seems hellbend on diminishing and trivialising her struggles and undermining everything she stands for: The strong woman who despite all odds, has realised her dreams in a man's world.

For rather than having a ML that sets an example for men - treating women as equals and with respect, and who doesn't view them as (sex) objects - we get a smug, insensitive, sexually harassing bastard who (imo) treats the FL as nothing more than a challenge to be conquered.

I mean, the MC developed her stubborn and prickly personality because she's had to go against the flow to get to where she's at. What's the ML's excuse?

I get that the author just wanted a rivalry between the couple, which wouldn't work if the ML was a totally complacent guy, but you CAN actually make rivalry between two characters, WITHOUT one of them looking down on the other as a person (and without sexism involved).
Because that's the vibes I get from the ML... Imo he's no better than any other male presentation in the manga.

At least to me it seems that the message this manga sends is that a woman can be strong, but there will always be a man out there who can conquer her and make her submit.

    animedfreak January 13, 2021 6:23 pm

    Perfectly explained, imma have to pass on this story, this kind of smut that puts women in subjugation to men is not my cup of tea ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Dəli Qız ☠ February 2, 2021 11:21 am

    Lets wait and see. The plot is so good but it feels like two alphas are struggling to make a relationship out of this. Also I don't think ml sees her in that way maybe he just wanted to continue his relationship with her but she strongly opposed to them being lovers thats why he's settled for sex friends now, if he saw her only as a sex object he wouldn't quarrel over trivial stuff and lose precious energy on her. I'd say THEY'RE BOTH MESSED UP IN THE HEAD RN SO LETS WAIT FOR DEVELOPMENT
    ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍