idk pedo kinda

papap January 7, 2021 9:26 am

idk something doesnt sit right with me. Mc literally took care of dragon dude when he was in toddler stage, even though he was like 100+ years old, the fact that he looked like a toddler + Mc thought he was/ treated him like a toddler is kinna weird and pedoy in my opinion.

    papap January 7, 2021 9:33 am

    this doesn't necssisarly mean the other dude is nice, bitch literally pulled a Sangwoo on mc with the whole ankle thingy. I think he sees dragon dude as a threat and is kinda possessive over MC like, really possessive and insecure.

    Honestly, best dude was his og boyfriend. Even though he left him (cuz his life was constantly in danger), he was the nicest one to him. (Idk if he left him though or died I kind of forgot his plot cuz he was kinda irrelevant but the best option out of the three)

    I would of kinda ditched too if I had to go through all of that shit, + MC pretty much left him when he went to the kingdom thing. IDK if they were still together when MC made out with the prince, cuz his plot seriously was irrelevant. But If he did then MC isn't that good either.

    elfiemouse January 9, 2021 5:02 pm
    this doesn't necssisarly mean the other dude is nice, bitch literally pulled a Sangwoo on mc with the whole ankle thingy. I think he sees dragon dude as a threat and is kinda possessive over MC like, really pos... papap

    Nadan apparently died in a fire, so as far as Suu knows he’s dead. And no they weren’t together, Nadan fell out of love with him when they came to the capital after this scene in ch 121 looks like