Lmao you feelin' those pedo vibes?

peace_yow January 7, 2021 4:42 am

Cause I sure as hell am from even just looking at the cover XD.
Well jokes aside, I actually don't mind about their ages. Sure it's not ideal but she got transported into a world with a different culture, plus she's informed about sex and it was all very much consensual. So yeah, no real problem there for me. That might also be because I just can't take this seriously.
It feels like I'm reading the work of a troll xD. It all feels kinda... not very logical, and a bit off. Too fast paced and quite unlikely.

Go into this with a mentality of "lol what random thing am I gonna see next" and you might enjoy it ahahaha

    Madeleine January 15, 2021 9:01 am

    I only got a little bit of those vibes just because she is 16 and he is 26. If she was at least 18-20 it would be less weird