Beautifully said. I think your thoughts are precisely what the mangaka was shooting for, that readers think about; discuss and debate the topics raised in the manga.
I very much enjoy reading your comments and replies... even when we disagree (lol)... maybe especially when we disagree... you write articulately and intelligently and you debate with passion. I enjoy the opportunity to debate with someone as capable as you are. Thanks.

I completely agree that people should not attack the mangaka, especially on a personal Twitter account. I thought that the Twitter account incident happened in Japanese? I thought there were some Japanese fans who were upset about chapter 8 too.
Keep in mind that many people who read English versions online for free do buy copies of the manga they like most when the managa are available in their country--but I admit it would be the rare hardcore fan that would pay to have books shipped from Japan when they can not even read Japanese. The market always has some influence over people who want to make a living, and Japan is the biggest market--so it makes sense Japanese fans have the biggest voice.
I have heard the "don't like don't read" comment about negative reviews of books such as 50 Shades of Gray and the later Anita Blake books (among others). I understand the sentiment, but I also think people should get to vent. For example, if a reader thinks 50 Shades misrepresents BDSM scenes, that person has a right to explain why. Comments about how the author turned her back on the fanfic community that made her popular are a little more personal, and I am not sure the people who feel that way don't have a point--it relates to the author as a professional. However, if they make fun of the author's hair and clothes, I think that goes too far. The problem is that you can't control the Internet. I think it is good to tell the author you support her, or make positive comments too, or whatever, but you can't stop negative comments, especially on a controversial topic. It hasn't hurt the sales of 50 Shades (any publicity is good publicity right?).
What the story is approaching now...just makes me sick. Kuze and Atsumu can't just get back together! Kuze has some serious issues. AND IF THIS AUTHOR SERIOUSLY INTENDS TO SAY OH KARINO IS HURTING HIM SO NOBODY ELSE WILL ITS PROTECTIOB BLAH BLAH I will be so disappointed and will not read her stuff anymore. Its not a good ending if you just cover up everybody's flaws.