Season 2

Miamatsuoka January 6, 2021 5:27 pm

Hey guys! I know we are all desperate for season 2. But we still have 5 chapters left of Season 1.

Season 2 will come out somewhere around February. The author said on the epilogue that they needed time to organize the story and that THAT would take them at least 3 months. The season 1 ended in Korea in November. So it's to be expected that season 2 will be released somewhere in February but in Korea. If we're lucky like what happened with Painter of the night, season 2 will be released in english at the same time as they released the korean version. But if not, we might need to wait until March if not more. Hang in there!

    Hugu January 6, 2021 5:45 pm

    Thanks for this info