this is the same as the abandoned empress...

mushroom cloud January 6, 2021 2:49 pm

it's such a shame all the ones with beautiful art end up so bad. a spoiler that made me drop this:

the spoiler forum says that this is a no-romance story (which i'm okay with), BUT she'll end up going back to her father and forgiving him. yeah..... no.

    Biscuits January 6, 2021 3:03 pm

    what spoiler I wanna know

    HoneyBear January 6, 2021 3:25 pm

    damn what....he tried to kill her... why.....

    mushroom cloud January 6, 2021 4:07 pm
    what spoiler I wanna know Biscuits

    that was the spoiler. she ends up forgiving her father:

    "she doesnt ditch him at all, and series ends with FL going back to the home and saying I'm back father.
    Its utter shit where Father is forgiven for everything without any payback, FL never marries or has romance. Reason why reviews are bad for it."

    "The story teased us with Keira along with her brother leaving the house wanting to cut ties and live independently, and every reader was happy. Then the author ended it with Keira coming back, saying I am home and that shitbag saying welcome home, thought you would be gone for a while, and she responded by This is my home in the end and I'll stay the winter... fucking reeeeeee""

    by user Viole1369

    read from here:

    HoneyBear January 6, 2021 4:50 pm
    that was the spoiler. she ends up forgiving her father: "she doesnt ditch him at all, and series ends with FL going back to the home and saying I'm back father.Its utter shit where Father is forgiven for everyt... mushroom cloud

    this sucks, why’d she have to forgive him?? Is he THAT pitiful? Like he tried to kill her and neglected her for 18 fucking years. Again if something happens that’ll allow me to like him again, I’ll accept it. But come ON

    mushroom cloud January 6, 2021 4:53 pm
    this sucks, why’d she have to forgive him?? Is he THAT pitiful? Like he tried to kill her and neglected her for 18 fucking years. Again if something happens that’ll allow me to like him again, I’ll accept... HoneyBear

    fr, these authors really have a way of making the readers pissed. they make a horribly unlikable character and try to redeem him... why. seriously, this story could have been the ringleader. she could have been independent, strong, but NOOOOO