Shizuka's personality is awfull. If he was still worried about the past accident and felt ...

Palia October 14, 2012 9:06 am

Shizuka's personality is awfull. If he was still worried about the past accident and felt guilty, why did he go after him? That's a contradiction. He was not that worried afterall. He was just playing. He never said he liked or loved him until the end. The seme is made to look as the only one in love, and led by the nose by Shizuka. Horrible! The seme has no pride or dignity at all. And even after saying just once that he loves him, Shizuka just keeps bullying him. How can he take it? it's humiliating and demoting.

    Guewuhibeuhdeuh April 18, 2013 8:50 pm

    I agree with you but I kinda liked this manga

    Tegurei April 18, 2013 8:51 pm

    F*** you! Diss on your own stuff

    yaoi lover April 18, 2013 9:35 pm

    @Tegurei: Even though I love this mangga. I have to say ur being rude. Not everyone can handle sadistic lover. Respect people's opinion please.