omg yass! I don't feel anything anymore when reading and watching at straight couples anymore because they're so cliché and so basic. I don't mean every single straight couple in mangas/manhwas are like that but most of them are, just with a different plot. I'm so glad I found another person who understands! (⌒▽⌒)

just adding something ++++ i dont really want to explain myself furthermore but im not bashing yall???? at what part did i even bash :/ if it's the "yall dont know shit" im just referring to how some of you jumped to conclusions that its gonna be a boring cliche hetero couple when it's not. i got pissed off and i wanted to defend the creator. :/
i also admit that my wording to my first comment were kinda eh– bc i got pissed so i apologize,,,, ig
i buy raws and official translations but i also read here sometimes so who tf am i to bash yall
Not a hetero relationship ಠ_ಠ I don't like her tbh, I don't read bl and gls just for the heteros to have their own sidestory could care less