Notice how the Joowon stans dont start any shit until Taku stans get real brave in the com...

wonuyaaa January 6, 2021 6:22 am

Notice how the Joowon stans dont start any shit until Taku stans get real brave in the comments and start calling Joowon names for no justified reason and act like Taku deserved Haesoo? Like no he didnt. He manipulated and took advantage of Haesoo constantly. He said multiple! times! that he literally felt good off of Haesoo's misery because he felt "needed" by Haesoo. Joowon would never. He actually wanted Haesoo to be happy even if it was with another man.

    Mai January 6, 2021 6:22 am

    U a queen!

    Upupupup January 6, 2021 7:08 am

    I mean Joowon treated Haesoo like trash too, let's not pretend their relationship before Taku was wholesome or anything, but in the end, Taku's the heartbroken one and Joowon gets to live happily ever after. Honestly, everybody in the fic needs therapy regardless lmao, like this whole thing could've been prevented if they sat down and talked about it.

    wonuyaaa January 6, 2021 7:40 am
    I mean Joowon treated Haesoo like trash too, let's not pretend their relationship before Taku was wholesome or anything, but in the end, Taku's the heartbroken one and Joowon gets to live happily ever after. Ho... Upupupup

    I mean ofc, I never claimed their past relationship was HEALTHY. They needed to communicate better 200%. Haesoo treated Joowon badly too, manipulating and provoking him to make him angry/jealous. Joowon also got arrogant and thought Haesoo would never leave him because of how many years this ambiguous r/s had gone on without Haesoo actually expressing that it hurt him.
    However it grew clear as the story progressed and we saw Joowon's perspective without Haesoo's biased narration that Joowon genuinely loved Haesoo from the start. He had good intentions for keeping their relationship ambiguous, but it started their toxic cycle in the first place. So good intention led to harmful outcome. The whole point of my comment is talking about their intentions/motivations! Joowon never wanted to hurt haesoo and actually loved him. And it was the opposite case with Taku... who wanted to use Haesoo and then throw him aside like his past models.

    Also after their breakup Joowon literally called Haesoo and told him he'll always be on his side in any way Haesoo wants him to, be it a brother or a friend. He couldve been hurtful too consider all the shit Haesoo said to him and how Haesoo is at fault for their r/s too! But he wasnt and it proved at end of the day he wanted Haesoo to be happy even after Haesoo told him to his face that he's going to Taku. Meanwhile Taku.... said stuff like "i hope youre unhappy and regret breaking up with me" during their breakup (which we'll see in a chapter or so).

    yeah i agree they could use some therapy.

    Mai January 6, 2021 7:42 am
    I mean Joowon treated Haesoo like trash too, let's not pretend their relationship before Taku was wholesome or anything, but in the end, Taku's the heartbroken one and Joowon gets to live happily ever after. Ho... Upupupup

    If they had sat and talked this out, this wouldnt even be a story n we all wouldnt be reading it or it might have just finished in ten chapters.Lol. n we wouldnt want that.

    Upupupup January 6, 2021 7:35 pm
    I mean ofc, I never claimed their past relationship was HEALTHY. They needed to communicate better 200%. Haesoo treated Joowon badly too, manipulating and provoking him to make him angry/jealous. Joowon also go... wonuyaaa

    I know Taku saw all of this coming, but he did just get broken up with so Haesoo can be with his stepbrother, so he can be a little bitter lol. I mean Joowon/Haesoo literally fought and decided that they would never see each other again when he found about Haesoo's relationship with Taku.

    wonuyaaa January 7, 2021 12:03 am
    I know Taku saw all of this coming, but he did just get broken up with so Haesoo can be with his stepbrother, so he can be a little bitter lol. I mean Joowon/Haesoo literally fought and decided that they would ... Upupupup

    i mean joowon was purely desperate to haesoo, saying "if i give up everything, then can we be okay?" --he actually wanted to give up everything for HS. and haesoo said to him "dont think about ever seeing me again". joowon never wanted that and their break up wasnt mutual.

    yeah taku can be bitter ig.... i just wont like him for it lol
    in the end, it comes down to my viewpoint and personal experience. to me love isn't "i hope youre unhappy". if you truly loved the person, youre not gonna say stuff like and purposely try to make them feel bad. This mainly applies when they didnt wrong you: which taku said in this chapter haesoo was good to him and didnt do anything wrong. Even if you THINK it, theres a difference between that and saying it to their face. haesoo didnt deserve to hear that and taku knew it too but was being selfish~ so thats just my take.