OKAY well idk she just really wants a child from who she loves and that Elemental king can't really give her a baby. Idk I think it's pretty interesting she'd do that lmao, atleast she wrote letters and a book or something for her kid. And I mean it's not weird for mothers to give up their lives for their child. In irl circumstances where mothers die from child birth they would give responsibility to the father??? The only weird thing is the black magic part and how that red hood guy just snatched her lol

i dont know if this is true, but i read in one of the spoilers from a novel reader.. the manwha didn't really explained everything but actually,
Its said that a baby from a spirit and her mother is impossible to happen, but she was impregnated anyways, the problem is, the baby will eventually die because of "compatibility" so to keep her baby safe she asked for the devils help to save her baby, but the only way is for her mana and the spirit kings mana to harmoniously "co exist" (whatever its called) inside their babies body, so she asked the spirit kings mana and exhausted her own powers to stabilized the life/energy/mana of their baby in her stomach.. and BOOM she gave birth and died...

i dont know if this is true, but i read in one of the spoilers from a novel reader.. the manwha didn't really explained everything but actually,
Its said that a baby from a spirit and her mother is impossible to happen, but she was impregnated anyways, the problem is, the baby will eventually die because of "compatibility" so to keep her baby safe she asked for the devils help to save her baby, but the only way is for her mana and the spirit kings mana to harmoniously "co exist" (whatever its called) inside their babies body, so she asked the spirit kings mana and exhausted her own powers to stabilized the life/energy/mana of their baby in her stomach.. and BOOM she gave birth and died...
So I've seen comments about the dad or whatever, and I didn't read past half the first chapter but the mom is a fucking psycho? I know he did not consent to having his mama used for a black magic blood spell that impregnates her... That shits fucking creepy and weird.