
gooshums1 January 5, 2021 6:29 pm

Haesoo is the worst in this. Not because of his final decision but he should have turned Taku down to begin with. Sure he said he would try for a month but he never should have. Even Joowon deserves better after his character growth. I just hate that Taku was used for that growth even though it’s the typical obvious direction.

    Mimi January 5, 2021 6:35 pm

    I agree with you that Haesoo did use Taku to an extent, but also remember that Taku also knew that Haesoo had feelings for Joowon from the beginning and Taku also said he did not mind being used by Haesoo. So I do not really blame Haesoo fully because honestly Taku knew what the outcome would be. What is horrible is that Taku heart just got broken in the end for having false hope for a broken person and being swept up in the moment. Yes, this does not justify Haesoo actions but Taku should have known better, in my opinion.

    Mimi January 5, 2021 6:38 pm
    I agree with you that Haesoo did use Taku to an extent, but also remember that Taku also knew that Haesoo had feelings for Joowon from the beginning and Taku also said he did not mind being used by Haesoo. So I... Mimi

    And Haesoo did turn down Taku but Taku told Haesoo to take a chance and love him, which you cannot blame Haesoo for that because Haesoo wanted to know what it would feel like to love another person. Even though I wished that Haesoo would have said no because that gave Taku false hope.

    gooshums1 January 5, 2021 6:55 pm
    And Haesoo did turn down Taku but Taku told Haesoo to take a chance and love him, which you cannot blame Haesoo for that because Haesoo wanted to know what it would feel like to love another person. Even though... Mimi

    Oh I definitely agree with both comments. I just really feel like haesoo should have stood his ground and given himself sometime even though Taku was basically begging. Imo the fact he was begging would be what would def make me still say no because it was obvious Taku was desperate to have a chance and haesoo knew that but still went and lead him on basically. Not saying he knew he would go back to Joowon but he did know he was a mess and I wish he hadn’t given Taku a chance.

    Mimi January 6, 2021 12:52 am
    Oh I definitely agree with both comments. I just really feel like haesoo should have stood his ground and given himself sometime even though Taku was basically begging. Imo the fact he was begging would be what... gooshums1

    Exactly that was the point I was making.
    If I was Haesoo I still would have said no. But yk unfortunately not in this case

    Issa Me Mario January 6, 2021 1:24 am

    I've actually been in a similar situation as theirs, and I know I might entirely be projecting here... But I once knew a guy who simply wouldn't take a no for an answer. He kept asking me out, and I kept telling him as nicely as possible that I wasn't interested. He wanted to know why, and I tried to explain I wasn't ready and that I was certain I'd never end up falling for him. And he proceeded to basically guilt trip me by saying stuff like "well how can you know if you don't give it a shot?", "just one date" etc. Like he literally made me feel bad for not being interested or giving him a chance, like I was stuck up or thought myself better than him. Which is not at all how I viewed myself, I just knew my own feelings.
    Similarly, I always interpreted Haesoo agreeing to date Taku as the result of Taku pressuring him and making him feel guilty for not loving him back. Hence why I personally never liked Taku lol

    Mimi January 6, 2021 4:27 pm

    Actually I’m sorry that happen to you :( There should never be a person who should be guilt tripped into a relationship and that is why the relationship was doomed from the beginning? Idk. But I feel like if you are certain of you and your feelings, you should stand your ground and be stern and clear in what you want and what you do not want. If they cannot respect that, then tell them you will never talk to them again and you should confront them about guilt tripping you. Even though Taku kept persuading Haesoo, I still felt like Haesoo could have done more to speak up for himself. But anyways I do not hate either of them bc they have their own reasons, but they should take responsibility for what they already knew the outcome.