Hm I take back the first option completely. Some people said that the first chapter suggests he was the one who killed the cat. But to me it suggests he saw the cat being sick / dying and had zero reaction -- to introduce that he's a sociopath with no empathy (he's warm but he's cold -- he says warm things but he doesn't really mean them). At the end however he obviously is affected by the doctors death, so he graduates from being an empathy-less sociopath at tremendous personal cost
?? I think ??

Perhaps Clark perceives himself as someone incapable of love. As another said, he strives to avoid love while Alex does not. Ooh! There’s also the fact that Clark was in love with the doctor and “kinda” in love with Alex.
And as seen in the end, both of them die. Therefore he tells the inspector how he’s glad that he’s not in love with him because it wouldn’t end well (death.)
((Spoiler)) why did Clark say "I'm glad you're not in love with me, inspector?"
1/ Clark is similar to Alex - both afraid of loss?? Clark said he's the only one who understands Alex - and WASNT a killer (I know some theories say he has always been) until he killed Alex and now he has no qualms killing? And so he would have killed the inspector to preserve the love the same way Alex would?? Ok never mind this doesn't make sense....
2/ or, Clark despite being portrayed as the real sociopath actually IS capable of love. His revenge + keeping the ring + the fish = he loved the doctor even though he suggests at a few points in the series that he's not really capable of love like a normal person. Unlike Alex who chases after love and affection, Clark is the opposite, he avoids it. So he's afraid of the inspector liking him because that's a kind of burden
Aaaah I wish the author's epilogue had more insight. I need more opinions/theories about the ending