|:/ Here comes an unpopular opinion. I actually am sorry.

Calico_S January 5, 2021 3:05 pm

Ok Min is about as unlikable as Hyesung in "Love is an Illusion". I don't get this approach but I do agree, it doesn't always have to be the seme that is the asshole.
I get that people say the Joo is short tempered, but I don't see it without being with reason. They seem to try making Joo like Seungo from "painter of the night". But it's not working, Min is flat out rude. Like, in real life we wouldn't put up with some of these antics. We would be like "Fine, rude asshole. we were just trying to help."
And Joo is trying to tolerate the bullshit attitude the best he can. He has done nothing wrong except for trying hard to be his friend.
Min knows he is in a school full of upperclass people. He should know that money is how they understand and communicate. If he can't adapt to just this school's setting then he's going to have a rough time in the world. And if Min really wanted to POLITELY "pay you the money back" he could have simply have left the money in Joo's desk with a thank you letter and a note asking if Joo wanted to hang out somewhere neutral. Like study in the library. Or walking in the park.
Like even when the Joo kisses him, a smack across the face, fucking really? You sure that's not over the top? It's not he pushed you down, you could have just push him away and then awkwardly talked about it. No you just fucking slapped him then wondered why the fuck you got slapped back. Why? Because of natural consequences that's why.
I can see if they became friends and the other guy tried to take Min away. But the way the story is now. When that happens why on earth would Joo even think about where Min is, he would Literally have no motivation or drive to seek him out or wonder if he would even be in danger.

    OmegaRin January 5, 2021 3:18 pm

    I agree with most of this except for the kissing part..there is a word called consent..we dont know what he has been through, he tried to protect himself and was hit back which can be seen as well deserved but did he deserve to be hit from protecting himself...this incident might have been the right push for him to see that their so called friendship wasnt meant to be.

    Calico_S January 5, 2021 3:26 pm
    I agree with most of this except for the kissing part..there is a word called consent..we dont know what he has been through, he tried to protect himself and was hit back which can be seen as well deserved but ... OmegaRin