Mil isn’t a prick lol

Alli :) January 5, 2021 11:38 am

Okay so clearly some of yall are getting the info wrong- mil didn’t kill his brothers family. if you take a look at what’s happening right now this is actually a fight between the adult that the children felt the need to make it their own problems too. He’s crying because he actual likes his brother and doesn’t want to kill him but he doesn’t want his brother to go on with his own plans either. He isn’t selfish or something like that, the reason behind Mil’s actions was all because he wants the people he loves to be happy not pitiful and sad. If you take a closer look at the plot and characters, they are the new generation, yet they have to fix the problems of all the adults for happiness of others and their own.

    CertifiedYesser January 6, 2021 5:21 am

    And i think that Mil's mother is like imprisoned? And that theyre going to execute her or something for Linden's revenge but Mil is against it because she's still her mother ofc-
    Lmao it's been awhile since i red this so i don't think if this is true xd

    CertifiedYesser January 6, 2021 5:23 am

    I think the reason Mil's mother is imprisoned is because of what happened to Linden's mom and sister, they died and that it was Mil Mother's fault and stuff

    CertifiedYesser January 6, 2021 5:23 am

    But true, the children has to deal what their parents sought

    CertifiedYesser January 6, 2021 5:31 am

    Then again, Imagine being a queen and you're married with the king but that same king suddenly fell inlove with a commoner, And as you- the queen who spent years trying to get the king to like marry u or smthn ofc you'd get pissed- but i didn't like the idea that she (mil's mom) killed the person the kind fell inlove with since you'd just get imprisoned and stuff i mean i'm not even sure if she did kill them, wait actually i think Linden's mom was faulsely accused and was imprisoned? And that she committed suicide- (since they were probably also not given any food) and it just so happens that Linden was there-

    Katkit January 7, 2021 11:29 pm
    Then again, Imagine being a queen and you're married with the king but that same king suddenly fell inlove with a commoner, And as you- the queen who spent years trying to get the king to like marry u or smthn ... CertifiedYesser

    You're right about that. The mother of Lindon comitted suicide cause she thought she lost the emperor's love and took the daughter with her for some unknown reason (prob cause she, thought the daughter would have to survive inprisionment and torture and other nasty things without the mother). So like, the ones that did wrong first was Childe house head, Mil's mother, the King/ emporor and a few other nobles that helped falsify Lindon's mothers' arrest and sin and such right? What a fked situation.....DRAMA is what we live for in these stories tho amiright? XD

    CertifiedYesser January 8, 2021 4:56 am

    Yea lmao we love the drama ヾ(☆▽☆)