the rape was so unnecessary... i mean this manga is literally about harassment and non con...

Moon January 5, 2021 8:20 am

the rape was so unnecessary... i mean this manga is literally about harassment and non consensual sex (thankfully it got better with the couple) but why rhe hell does the author keep milking it?? is rape SERIOUSLY the best plot device you can use that you make the MC suffer??? this is poor writing.

    Pumpkinspice January 5, 2021 10:52 am

    I just find it so disturbing that an author will consciously write a relationship based around rape and like still present it as a healthy normal relationship, and it puts such a bad name on the bl genre and now people who read it defend the rape trope and will get mad when you disagree with it, that’s not normal, we shouldn’t be defending rape, and it’s sad because this story plot will always be the default because everyone is okay with that