Wait wait, I just realized Taku's story is so deliciously IRONIC Remember how Taku always ...

wonuyaaa January 5, 2021 5:35 am

Wait wait, I just realized Taku's story is so deliciously IRONIC
Remember how Taku always PRETENDED to love his past partners. Whenever he'd comfort them or kiss them, he was just mechanically doing it out of habit (like the guy on his sex tape), and not cause he liked them or anything. So when Taku says to Haesoo "it's okay if you just pretend to love me", he thinks it'll be easy. He'd been doing the same thing to other people for so long, he figures: whats the harm if I'm on the receiving end this time?

And then Taku actually grows attached to Haesoo, and finally gets to feel similarly to what his past lovers received. And it shows him how "pretend" love just isn't enough, and actually hurts more than comforts you. Karma bit him in the butt ig.
Cool, I love Yeongha ヾ(☆▽☆)

    Kassie January 5, 2021 5:26 am

    This! I see a lot pf people blaming Haesoo and saying that Joowon is toxic but they fail to realize that Taku is also toxic. All characters had character development and everyone already read this story knowing that Haesoo and Joowon were endgame. Taku approached Haesoo knowing that he didn’t love him and had eyes for someone else and yet he coerced someone who wasn’t ready to love into having a relationship. So in the end no one is to really blame and Yeongha is a fantastic author ( ̄∇ ̄)

    sio January 5, 2021 5:38 am


    wonuyaaa January 5, 2021 5:45 am
    This! I see a lot pf people blaming Haesoo and saying that Joowon is toxic but they fail to realize that Taku is also toxic. All characters had character development and everyone already read this story knowing... Kassie

    yeah exactly exactly

    wonuyaaa January 5, 2021 5:45 am

    sad would be one word to describe it yeah....

    Tortugas January 5, 2021 6:08 am

    Actually, this is a pretty cliched plot device for yaoi. At least from what I’ve read.
    boy 1, highly sought after and arrogant, routinely uses partners and discards them when bored, no feelings of love/attachment until... one day....
    boy 2 comes into his life. Something stirred in that cold heart, he was unfamiliar with the sensation....could it be? Love?

    wonuyaaa January 5, 2021 6:58 am
    Actually, this is a pretty cliched plot device for yaoi. At least from what I’ve read.boy 1, highly sought after and arrogant, routinely uses partners and discards them when bored, no feelings of love/attachm... Tortugas

    yes i understand that! but the thing is, its a refreshing take cause yeongha doesnt portray this desirabley. like taku is not endgame... because his love for haesoo was very selfish and the whole point of this story is that selfishness gets you nowhere in love (while joowon was selfless for haesoo). and even if his cold soulless heart his moved, its not as if his feelings are reciprocated. instead taku just gets karma because now the roles are reversed (haesoo merely pretends for him, and doesnt love him). so it's a lesson for him, rather than a love story lol

    Tortugas January 5, 2021 7:11 am
    yes i understand that! but the thing is, its a refreshing take cause yeongha doesnt portray this desirabley. like taku is not endgame... because his love for haesoo was very selfish and the whole point of this ... wonuyaaa

    Right, that’s one way to interpret it, so we will sympathize with this character. They’re all flawed but human, etc.

    wonuyaaa January 5, 2021 7:20 am
    Right, that’s one way to interpret it, so we will sympathize with this character. They’re all flawed but human, etc. Tortugas

    idk if i sympathize..... lol
    but i do like the thematic message and layer it adds to the story.

    Tortugas January 5, 2021 7:48 am
    idk if i sympathize..... lolbut i do like the thematic message and layer it adds to the story. wonuyaaa

    To be clear, I don’t, either. I’d like to see him humiliated, squished and trampled just a little bit.

    wonuyaaa January 5, 2021 8:37 pm
    To be clear, I don’t, either. I’d like to see him humiliated, squished and trampled just a little bit. Tortugas

    lmaooo ngl... i wouldnt mind it. i guess the author thought dumping him was enough humilation. it could have been worse