Look for spoilers

dagrandesibuna January 4, 2021 7:23 pm

I spent hours just going through threads on Instagram, novel forums, and else, to understand why the novel readers (or most anyway) supported Ruve so much in contrast with manhwa readers who (most anyway) despise him.

After reading everything I could find out without reading the novel, I can actually understand why they're supporting Ruve in this timeline. Crazy, but most of what we know at the moment is wrong about him... and I mean it. It's just that Tia doesn't know it since she died... she's gotten clues in this timeline (though I'm unsure how much they'll show it in the manhwa). We're following the story through her eyes, so it makes sense that we only believe what she's seen/heard/gone through, disregarding the whole context (a part of which, Jieun knows too). It has probably one of the biggest plot twists I've read these days (from these stories) because the 'villains' in most are usually just that, villains.

I'm not saying to support Ruve/understand him, but if you don't understand why ppl support him go investigate spoilers fully or read the novel if you wish to. It's interesting how it was played out by the author.

    aoi97 January 5, 2021 9:37 am
    even so it still happened even if IT WAS SO LONG AGO even if you arnt the same person just like you said with ruve im not justifying rape but dont use it as a excuse as people actually get raped luv <3 Angeline

    Dear, I'm very clear on whats reality and fantasy. Are you? Just because someone reads The Black Dahlia or Lolita, doesn't mean they agree with the content of the book and gonna commit the acts done in the book. Plus, I didn't say I support any rape at all. Please don't assume things by yourself. And can you please specify which part did I use in my statement as an excuse to justify rape? I can't find them at all. My eyes might be tricking me.

    angix96 January 5, 2021 11:12 am
    I know about the spoilers cause I actually want to like this, but where did she collapse once because they were together. Reread this and tell me there was trauma, all she did was quiver a little when she first... snowbelvz

    If I don't recall bad, it was when she just returned in her past, one time she collapsed at her family estate cause she was too afraid of the prince. And ruve stayed beside her for a few time and even read the letter she wrote to allendis about her "dream" (Her past life) and the prince is shocked by reading that and when Allendis arrives at the estate, the prince goes away (after Allendis shows all his yandere vibes - I'm actually not an Allendis stan)

    angix96 January 5, 2021 11:37 am
    One of the biggest reasons I dropped this is because from a woman who was verbally, physically, sexually abused by him, had her only remaining family killed by him and later on he kills her too... it just doesn... Xylade

    It wasn't completely natural for her to fall for Ruve, but to start with, she loved him in her past life... And somewhere she even said that she didn't care how rude he was to her, how he raped her, because she wanted him in her past life! THAT WAS INSANE! Then he killed her and passed YEARS in her second time on her life to be afraid of him, but she changed, she's not the girl who didn't care about how Ruve would treat her anymore, she doesn't like him that way anymore (die was enough to change her mind) also because he's not the Ruve of their last life. And she grew fond with him NOW because he is different. I think you missed the part when she said she didn't resent him for the rape and the miscarriage, the thing she hated him for was that he killed her father.
    And again, just a little reminder, this is a world where everyone just spit poison and mistreat the other, it's common. It's not fair but this is that world.
    I get your point, and I agree, it wasn't natural for her to fall again for Ruve, but she did. The author imposted this story as a redeeming one, where people can change and live better

    angix96 January 5, 2021 11:42 am
    Yes and people here seems to have a internalized romantization of abusive relationships. Disgusting Xylade

    Being one of the people that sides with Ruve, I can't agree with what you're stating, and it's rude.
    I take this Ruve as a Ruve that hasn't done anything yet. He doesn't know about what Tia suffered cause of him, in the other timeline he was a scumbag, and I think we all think that way. And at first I just wanted Tia to stay away from him BUT he's not the Ruve. People change. People can change. This is what you don't want to admit or understand. And this is the meaning of the manhwa and the novel

    unstable weeb January 5, 2021 2:28 pm
    Oh I should change that rating. Painter of the Night doesn't deserve 5 stars imo. Thanks for reminding me. I haven't sorted my rating these few years. Ya know...it's funny seeing you digging into my manga list ... aoi97

    Looking at what you have rated ain’t stalking. Don’t get ahead of yourself, stalking is something you do when you’re interested or curious in someone (wether that be romantically or negatively) and I, have absolutely no interest in you of all people.

    dagrandesibuna January 5, 2021 3:50 pm
    I know about the spoilers cause I actually want to like this, but where did she collapse once because they were together. Reread this and tell me there was trauma, all she did was quiver a little when she first... snowbelvz

    It's true that more could have been done, maybe it was to not show Tia as weaker than she was? I can't speak for the author.

    And about the poisoning, it's true Tia was poisoned along Ruve. She thought it was his doing so she would be infertile but... we know he wasn't. Ruve was poisoned worst than her after all.

    If you don't like it that's fine, it's your choice. You're probably reading out of curiousness then, I hope you feel more satisfied when everything is explained (dk if they will do that).

    dagrandesibuna January 5, 2021 4:01 pm
    One of the biggest reasons I dropped this is because from a woman who was verbally, physically, sexually abused by him, had her only remaining family killed by him and later on he kills her too... it just doesn... Xylade

    Well... I said, what you know about him is wrong after all. If you don't mind spoilers: he did not kill Tia's family, it was Duke Jenna's faction. In reality, Ruve was behind the scenes trying to prevent the Marquis family from collapsing because they were on his side (bc it was Tia's family). Though, he wasn't able to... Tia's father committed suicide. Ruve was actually frustrated because he asked him to save his daughter (Ruve did not have the power to anymore...). The plot is quite political, I am unable to tell everything. I read spoilers for everything that happened but I won't share them all.

    Another thing, Ruve was not 'Ruve'. You'll see it in the coming chapters but... Ruve had been poisoned for a looooong time in the previous timeline (Tia as well). I'm not saying this is an excuse but, in reality, someone who's drugged or do drugs for a long time... aren't themselves. They lose their personality and morals completely... until they die from overdose. Well, that's what happened to him, and in the coming chapters is the 'beginning' of it, which Tia will resolve before he's lost. That's why he's so different between the timelines and also why Tia is confused as to why this Ruve treats her so well. If you still hold him responsible for what he did, do as you might. But even in this life, under the law, people who are drug addicts are given help in a center and not in jail.

    Now for Tia... I have no idea honestly. I'm not the author. I don't support their relationship. It's Tia's decision. I just wanted to understand why ppl supported Ruve. Understanding is NOT being empathic towards him. I wanted to purely understand the plot and why the author did what she did. I'm not supporting Ruve at all. I only want to see what will happen (=・ω・=)

    dagrandesibuna January 5, 2021 4:04 pm
    Oh I should change that rating. Painter of the Night doesn't deserve 5 stars imo. Thanks for reminding me. I haven't sorted my rating these few years. Ya know...it's funny seeing you digging into my manga list ... aoi97

    Girl, you don't have to apologize for it. I can understand why you gave it 5 stars. Yes, Seungho is a horrible character and it portrays a toxic environment and relationship, but POTN is a VERY well constructed webtoon. The plotline, the way the characters are portrayed in the historical setting, the flow and conversations... I personally LOVE POTN for how well done it is. Seungho is an asshole, but he is a WELL-WRITTEN ASSHOLE.

    So please don't apologize! Enjoy what you do and don't let ppl blame you for it... your morals and beliefs have nothing to do with what you're reading/enjoying. It's fiction, it doesn't mean you support that (=・ω・=)

    dagrandesibuna January 5, 2021 4:07 pm
    Yes and people here seems to have a internalized romantization of abusive relationships. Disgusting Xylade

    Well, I'm saying this just in case. I don't support Ruve or the relationship. I just said I was able to understand the plotline. That doesn't mean I'm being empathic with Ruve or Tia, because both are the consequences of political plotlines and the neglect of healthy mental health/relationships. They are messed up characters, so I don't expect much at the end (=・ω・=)

    angix96 January 5, 2021 4:23 pm
    Well... I said, what you know about him is wrong after all. If you don't mind spoilers: he did not kill Tia's family, it was Duke Jenna's faction. In reality, Ruve was behind the scenes trying to prevent the Ma... dagrandesibuna

    You center the point here. Ruve under drugs isn't Ruve. There are a lot of movies or tv series that explains this so well, how people change under drugs and how they can change for the better when they stop. And it's not just the drugs.. Also alcoholism makes people uglier, evil.

    dagrandesibuna January 5, 2021 4:36 pm
    it’s not just that he didn’t commit anything, it’s Tia's personal values as a woman. Are you really willing to go back to the man that psychologically traumatized you in every way he could possible? SMHJu... Xylade

    In this case, more than blaming Ruve, I blame Tia. Yes, Ruve is different, but I'd have liked that she didn't end up with him at the end. If they could be on good terms, her family supporting Ruve as a king, that would have made a lot of sense to me. It's good that both of them won't be poisoned (like in the past timeline) so they could have been great rulers (Ruve as the emperor, and Tia as her family head).

    So, I wonder why the author decided to keep them together anyway. I could understand the whole situation with Ruve in the past timeline, but not this. It probably has to do with how abuse is seen in Asia, I'm not sure. After all, our western mindset isn't the norm in other countries. Mental health is extremely stigmatized there as well :(