Look for spoilers

dagrandesibuna January 4, 2021 7:23 pm

I spent hours just going through threads on Instagram, novel forums, and else, to understand why the novel readers (or most anyway) supported Ruve so much in contrast with manhwa readers who (most anyway) despise him.

After reading everything I could find out without reading the novel, I can actually understand why they're supporting Ruve in this timeline. Crazy, but most of what we know at the moment is wrong about him... and I mean it. It's just that Tia doesn't know it since she died... she's gotten clues in this timeline (though I'm unsure how much they'll show it in the manhwa). We're following the story through her eyes, so it makes sense that we only believe what she's seen/heard/gone through, disregarding the whole context (a part of which, Jieun knows too). It has probably one of the biggest plot twists I've read these days (from these stories) because the 'villains' in most are usually just that, villains.

I'm not saying to support Ruve/understand him, but if you don't understand why ppl support him go investigate spoilers fully or read the novel if you wish to. It's interesting how it was played out by the author.

    aoi97 January 4, 2021 8:46 pm

    Borrowing @Diyah's comment down below...

    The prince, that dude is messed up and what he did shouldn't be swept under the rug. he got a sad backstory. That's it. all of his actions in the future were still HIS actions. he wasn't forced. Also, his reasoning doesn't even make sense. there is no excuse for the things he did. AT ALL. STOP TRYING TO JUSTIFY RAPE OF ALL THINGS, SERIOUSLY GUYS, THAT'S JUST SAD.

    angix96 January 4, 2021 8:49 pm

    This comment is like fresh air! And I think they will show it soon in the manhwa (if you're talking about the poison) what happens in this chapter is exactly the preamble of that

    unstable weeb January 4, 2021 8:52 pm
    Borrowing @Diyah's comment down below...The prince, that dude is messed up and what he did shouldn't be swept under the rug. he got a sad backstory. That's it. all of his actions in the future were still HIS ac... aoi97

    Lmaoo I kinda find this comment funny. Of course you shouldn’t justify rape but still kinda funny seing you write that while giving Painter of the night 5 stars

    Gayle January 4, 2021 9:00 pm
    Borrowing @Diyah's comment down below...The prince, that dude is messed up and what he did shouldn't be swept under the rug. he got a sad backstory. That's it. all of his actions in the future were still HIS ac... aoi97

    No. We was drugged, brainwashed, and manipulated. Of course there is no excuse for the rape. But jeeez how narrow minded are you?? The webtoon deviated from the novel. They nade it appear that he is soo evil when in fact it was not. And FYI. Its not the "future" this is the second timeline. Where he hasnt done anything wrong and is fighting the first timeline too.

    Gayle January 4, 2021 9:10 pm
    Borrowing @Diyah's comment down below...The prince, that dude is messed up and what he did shouldn't be swept under the rug. he got a sad backstory. That's it. all of his actions in the future were still HIS ac... aoi97

    But checking your list of manhwa, your comment is funny

    dagrandesibuna January 4, 2021 9:51 pm
    Borrowing @Diyah's comment down below...The prince, that dude is messed up and what he did shouldn't be swept under the rug. he got a sad backstory. That's it. all of his actions in the future were still HIS ac... aoi97

    Actually, you're wrong. It's nothing to do with his backstory. And it shows your opinion is solely based on the manhwa, which is not wrong since it's what they're showing.

    It actually all happens while they're married and during his reign, but it's far more complicated than I could point out (since I didn't read it directly, and it's HEAVILY based off the political plotline more than the characters themselves).

    I'm not justifying ANYTHING, my comment doesn't support nor attacks Ruve. I just wanted to share that, through my research, I was able to understand further the fandom and what the author did. Nothing more, nothing less.

    dagrandesibuna January 4, 2021 9:52 pm
    This comment is like fresh air! And I think they will show it soon in the manhwa (if you're talking about the poison) what happens in this chapter is exactly the preamble of that angix96

    YES! I'm actually looking forward to it (read the raws so it is coming!). I wonder how much they'll show in the manhwa but now I'm actually glad it's coming. Although the drama never stops, it's quite entertaining in my opinion!

    dagrandesibuna January 4, 2021 9:54 pm
    No. We was drugged, brainwashed, and manipulated. Of course there is no excuse for the rape. But jeeez how narrow minded are you?? The webtoon deviated from the novel. They nade it appear that he is soo evil wh... Gayle

    Actually, what I enjoyed most was understanding why he was so different from both timelines. I knew it had to be a bigger secret than simply a 'personality change'. And thankfully, in this timeline, Tia will be able to prevent what was done to him in the timeline before... she's the only one that can actually notice it.

    angix96 January 4, 2021 9:56 pm
    YES! I'm actually looking forward to it (read the raws so it is coming!). I wonder how much they'll show in the manhwa but now I'm actually glad it's coming. Although the drama never stops, it's quite entertain... dagrandesibuna

    Agree! And the novel goes even deeper in the characters characterization, so it's even more struggling!

    snowbelvz January 4, 2021 11:37 pm
    Borrowing @Diyah's comment down below...The prince, that dude is messed up and what he did shouldn't be swept under the rug. he got a sad backstory. That's it. all of his actions in the future were still HIS ac... aoi97

    Thank you I get what most people are saying but the author was so disgusting by making it seem the first timeline was nothing and so she didnt have trauma. I wouldnt hate this as much if its even slightly realistic with trauma and how that plays into the story. All it ended up being was the mc playing hard to get with the prince (even still are), because she had a bad love experience.I mean seriously we all had those but you girl, u were born into a hell.

    dagrandesibuna January 5, 2021 12:00 am
    Agree! And the novel goes even deeper in the characters characterization, so it's even more struggling! angix96

    I might pick up the novel sometime in the future, I'm reading too many atm but I'm sure it's the case. Novels are usually denser in info, I like that!

    dagrandesibuna January 5, 2021 12:09 am
    Thank you I get what most people are saying but the author was so disgusting by making it seem the first timeline was nothing and so she didnt have trauma. I wouldnt hate this as much if its even slightly reali... snowbelvz

    Hmm I understand where you're coming from, since Ruve himself doesn't know anything about the first timeline so Tia is the one who could have kept rejecting him until the end. Though, I wouldn't say trauma wasn't well represented. For years (the manhwa skips time fast, but years pass) Tia did reject him. She tried avoiding him as she could and even collapsed once when they were together. I wonder, the novel must have probably shown it deeper since it's a novel... I will look into that.

    And in the present, she fell for the current Ruve who isn't... well, he did not meet the fate of the last timeline (it's a huge spoiler although it's coming next he). Realistically speaking, it shouldn't be possible for her to fall for him again... yet... it's not impossible either. I don't want to spoil it... but Ruve wasn't actually responsible for everything that happened to her. He was not the perpetrator, someone else was behind it all... even what happened to Ruve's personality...as to why he treated her that way... that's also a huge HUGE spoiler... I'll leave it.

    I'm not defending him either! It all depends on who's reading, for them to enjoy or judge, support them or not. I personally am here for the plot and drama. I understand it was HIM who did what he did... but at the same time, funnily enough, it was not 'him'. I can spoil anytime ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    snowbelvz January 5, 2021 12:32 am

    I know about the spoilers cause I actually want to like this, but where did she collapse once because they were together. Reread this and tell me there was trauma, all she did was quiver a little when she first saw the prince. She said one time while looking back at her past life "I was mad at the prince cause I was poisoned ". Like huh the author pushes me as a reader to far by saying something close to this and not only that she looked back at her life like it was nothing. How come theres sparkles in the flasback and also no reaction to remembering her last life, like at least give me a panic attack. Not a oh I was being dramatic.

    Xylade January 5, 2021 12:41 am

    One of the biggest reasons I dropped this is because from a woman who was verbally, physically, sexually abused by him, had her only remaining family killed by him and later on he kills her too... it just doesn’t make sense for her to even consider him as a love interest. Like I adore the art. I just wish it wasn’t wasted on romanticizing such a terrible love story and pushing away psychological trauma like cake. In reality, anyone who went through what she did would literally have their skin crawl going near their abuser, changed or not. The only acceptable answer for their relationship is Stockholm Syndrome (which btw, authors stop making SS be a love story because abuse ≠ love) but I see so many readers defending him like it was completely natural for her to fall for him. Idgaf if he was drugged or whatever nonsense. SHE was going to start her second life away from her abuser and that’s the premise that is promised. Not to excuse his shitty actions and go for the “love conquers all, even all the shit he put you through!!”

    snowbelvz January 5, 2021 12:50 am
    One of the biggest reasons I dropped this is because from a woman who was verbally, physically, sexually abused by him, had her only remaining family killed by him and later on he kills her too... it just doesn... Xylade

    This comment needs to be pinned and pin points the reason I hate this to the core, I sticking for the art of this webtoon but I have gone numb to how fucked up i

    aoi97 January 5, 2021 2:00 am
    Lmaoo I kinda find this comment funny. Of course you shouldn’t justify rape but still kinda funny seing you write that while giving Painter of the night 5 stars unstable weeb

    Oh I should change that rating. Painter of the Night doesn't deserve 5 stars imo. Thanks for reminding me. I haven't sorted my rating these few years. Ya know...it's funny seeing you digging into my manga list too cause last I read Painter of the Night was 6-7 months ago. I don't even remember what the content of the manhwa anymore. I read like what...2-3 chapters in and then I forgot about it. I remember liking the art tho...

    As I said on my profile, stop stalking. It's not healthy.

    Angeline January 5, 2021 4:04 am
    Lmaoo I kinda find this comment funny. Of course you shouldn’t justify rape but still kinda funny seing you write that while giving Painter of the night 5 stars unstable weeb

    DAMNN got em there

    Angeline January 5, 2021 4:07 am
    Oh I should change that rating. Painter of the Night doesn't deserve 5 stars imo. Thanks for reminding me. I haven't sorted my rating these few years. Ya know...it's funny seeing you digging into my manga list ... aoi97

    even so it still happened even if IT WAS SO LONG AGO even if you arnt the same person just like you said with ruve im not justifying rape but dont use it as a excuse as people actually get raped luv <3

    Xylade January 5, 2021 4:23 am
    This comment needs to be pinned and pin points the reason I hate this to the core, I sticking for the art of this webtoon but I have gone numb to how fucked up i snowbelvz

    Yes and people here seems to have a internalized romantization of abusive relationships.

    Xylade January 5, 2021 4:27 am

    it’s not just that he didn’t commit anything, it’s Tia's personal values as a woman. Are you really willing to go back to the man that psychologically traumatized you in every way he could possible? SMH
    Just because this is another timeline does not invalidate what she experienced. They can be friends but lovers? lmao even a rat has more self respect.