
MaJy January 4, 2021 8:50 am

What happened with the translation, i was reading on chapter 34 then redirected to chapter 1 then i saw there were sets of chapter. I'm lost. The names have changed, the translation in those chapters are a bit incomprehensible.

    Ngsan January 4, 2021 9:07 am

    Sadly it’s going to be like that until chapter 120. I’m guessing the other chapter were translated from Korean to Chinese to English because that is the only explanation for the messy mistranslations. But if you stick with it until chapter 120 you will see that someone new has started translating and they are doing such an amazing job at it too!!

    Dori January 4, 2021 9:21 am


    MaJy January 4, 2021 10:13 am
    Sadly it’s going to be like that until chapter 120. I’m guessing the other chapter were translated from Korean to Chinese to English because that is the only explanation for the messy mistranslations. But i... Ngsan

    I see! Thank you for being my light! I love the story and it was so fun to read. ヾ(☆▽☆)