age gap

louie January 4, 2021 7:03 am

around chap 13, the age was specifically said. She's only 16 and the eldest beast is 24. The jackal is 21 (i think he's the yougest?). it's very unsettling

I tried reading this since i've never read beasts charas before but the age gap is very uncomfortable

    Nightmare January 12, 2021 4:09 am

    Think of the characters in a Victorian setting when a 16 is of marriageable age and if you reach 20 and not married already and have a child your an old cow thank god for the 21 century where having a life is first to being a wife

    SoraRiku January 31, 2021 2:43 pm

    I don't see what's wrong with it? I mean, my grandparents are eight years apart. Parents are 7 yrs apart. Some aunts and uncles are 8-10 yrs apart in age.

    Layla February 28, 2021 7:58 am
    I don't see what's wrong with it? I mean, my grandparents are eight years apart. Parents are 7 yrs apart. Some aunts and uncles are 8-10 yrs apart in age. SoraRiku

    True, Legally 16 n 24 would be unacceptable for most countries today. However, in this manga, she reincarnates n her maturity is so obvious to readers. So the point about the big age gap is moot. Also the setting of this story is medieval & feudal, again another point we need to keep in mind as readers. Normally females would have multiple children by that age