Guys... yall... the jaguar is literally a rapist. He raped the black jaguar. I’m pretty ...

coffeedrinker January 3, 2021 8:57 pm

Guys... yall... the jaguar is literally a rapist. He raped the black jaguar. I’m pretty sure we already knew that but it’s even more cemented here. And the second time he “asked” for sex, it was to try and keep him from
killing the human, not just him asking for sex to have sex.
Like. “uwu the jaguar is in love” yeah with the dude he raped. Black jaguar would be better off with someone else, but i know that’s not gonna happen unfortunately.

    CloudNein January 3, 2021 10:38 pm


    Luh January 3, 2021 10:59 pm

    wow dude chill, the jaguar literally said that that's the way they prove dominance, they are animals u can't judge them the same way you do with humans

    Aiainooy January 4, 2021 1:03 am

    Bruh chill theyre animals
    And btw he said thats how he showed dominance??
    Well yeah ig

    JOLLIneBEE January 4, 2021 2:30 am

    Yeah, we also have to remember they're animals they have different common sense.

    Jah January 4, 2021 2:31 am

    Dont humanize animals. This story is literally about animals fuckin and it's not supposed to reflect human society

    Aiainooy January 4, 2021 2:47 am
    Dont humanize animals. This story is literally about animals fuckin and it's not supposed to reflect human society Jah

    Indeed- they need to chill out bruh

    Lei January 4, 2021 8:42 am

    Oh'll be quite surprised about the commonality of "rape" in the natural world then...

    Aiainooy January 4, 2021 9:05 am
    Oh'll be quite surprised about the commonality of "rape" in the natural world then... Lei

    English is not my first langguage but can you explain to me what commonality means tho? Im sorry im such a dumbass

    Lei January 4, 2021 9:17 am
    English is not my first langguage but can you explain to me what commonality means tho? Im sorry im such a dumbass Aiainooy

    The state of being where there is a high occurrence

    Aiainooy January 4, 2021 9:34 am
    The state of being where there is a high occurrence Lei

    Ah okay okay thanks

    coffeedrinker January 13, 2021 10:59 pm

    jlkfdasjl I never ended up writing the follow up but "they're animals bro" is a horrible excuse. Did we read the same story? Why are we drawing the line at "don't romanticize rape" and not... literally ANYTHING else about the story? Really?
    I study animals. I know this shit. Y'all are the ones who are really this mad at people pointing out writing flaws - and mad that people aren't ok with how y'all treat it, romanticize it.

    coffeedrinker January 13, 2021 11:00 pm
    Dont humanize animals. This story is literally about animals fuckin and it's not supposed to reflect human society Jah

    "Don't humanize animals" in a story about humanizing the animal world to a ridiculous, completely unrealistic extent... OK.

    coffeedrinker January 13, 2021 11:02 pm

    You guys really sound like the same ppl who are fine with dragons and magical powers in high fantasy settings but draw the line at gay people not being discriminated against in those settings.

    CloudNein January 13, 2021 11:43 pm
    You guys really sound like the same ppl who are fine with dragons and magical powers in high fantasy settings but draw the line at gay people not being discriminated against in those settings. coffeedrinker

    K. Happy New Year.

    Jah January 14, 2021 4:53 am
    "Don't humanize animals" in a story about humanizing the animal world to a ridiculous, completely unrealistic extent... OK. coffeedrinker

    "The jaguar is literally a rapist" do you see now? In this case, we are talking about ANIMALS. Dont humanize the animals in THIS case. This story is only using humanized characters for the sake of yaoi and all that "rape" logic doesn't have to apply because it's supposed to reflect the ANIMAL KINGDOM. Consent sure as hell doesn't appear at all in the wild.

    coffeedrinker January 15, 2021 3:12 am
    "The jaguar is literally a rapist" do you see now? In this case, we are talking about ANIMALS. Dont humanize the animals in THIS case. This story is only using humanized characters for the sake of yaoi and all ... Jah

    Firstly... saying "consent sure as hell doesn't appear in the wild" is a GROSS oversimplification of a complicated issue. Consent, in the way we think of it, isn't the same in the animal kingdom. However, the fact is rape exists in the wild. We distinguish rape from other sex acts in the wild. As these are acts where an animal attempts to escape from the other animal that is trying to have sex with it. Scientists have long noted that female ducks have, likely due to the prevalence of rape by male ducks, evolved more complex genitals to thwart male penetration/forced insemination. If nonconsensual sex is a thing in the animal world, then we must accept to some degree there is a concept of sex.

    Also. Once again. Why are we drawing the line HERE. Why is "hey we shouldn't romanticize rape" the line that things MUST be drawn at - and that the mass humanization of animals throughout the story by depicting them as humans, having interspecies love relationship, experiencing long term partnerships and monogamy outside of the species it actually occurs in is all totally okay and does not count towards humanizing animals?
    The ethics of meat consumption and eating other animals is also a theme, though much lighter than the overall themes of sex and romance, throughout the story. Predators that are depicted as eating other animals or hurting other animals are depicted in a negative light when they do so. The SECOND CHAPTER depicts the protagonist losing control, trying to eat the musk deer, and regretting it/feeling ashamed of it.

    The animals in this story are constantly depicted as feeling human emotions, living to human standards, and behaving as.. well... for the most part, humans with a wild side. Which you say is okay "for the sake of yaoi". But when someone says "hey it's not ok that it romanticizes rape/the fact everyone in the comments is going uwu the rapist is so cute uwu/its depicting the rape victim as falling in love with the rapist (which, btw, is completely unrealistic as well, in multiple respects)" THAT'S where the line is drawn on humanized animal behavior?

    coffeedrinker January 15, 2021 3:13 am

    *to some degree there is a concept of consensual sex

    CloudNein January 15, 2021 7:04 am
    Firstly... saying "consent sure as hell doesn't appear in the wild" is a GROSS oversimplification of a complicated issue. Consent, in the way we think of it, isn't the same in the animal kingdom. However, the f... coffeedrinker
