Name Game

Anoni Grrl September 29, 2015 11:27 pm

After reading Reality Bites' post about how the only two to call Asami by his first name are Michail and Kuroda, I re-read the boat parts of the story and tried to make sense of Michail. I call Michail by his first name because it seems right. I maybe very American, but I would think a Russian would go by his first name. (I shorten "Aki" because it is easier to type and I have huge, fat fingers, but that isn't related to the manga). So, I think Michail repeatedly calls Aki "Tabaka-kun" when Michail is trying to goad Asami. He made Asami mad enough that Asami killed Michail's messenger--and we rarely actually see Asami kill. Michail offers to light Asami's cigarette, much as Sodouh did later. It seems sort of oddly obsequious, given that Michail is holding Aki. When the three bosses are gathered, Fei calls Aki "Akihito" and also demands Aki's return--and Fei calls Michail "Michail".

Do you think it's because Michail is a boss, or a foreigner, or trying to piss everyone off? This is different than when Kuroda uses first names, because Asami doesn't seem angry with Kuroda and Asami seems to treat Kuroda as an ally (at the very least). Michail is not an ally, but Michail does seem to be an equal of sorts. So is Michail being rude, following his own customs, or showing his status?

    Anonymous September 28, 2015 6:01 pm

    Part of not calling Asami by his first name is culture. If he were being introduced to an American, it would be as "Ryuichi". When Japanese vendors come and do "fairs" here, their name tags show their first name, keeping with US customs. I don't know anything about Russian culture so I can't comment on Mikhail. Kuroda is Japanese, so that's why Akihito is curious about it. If I called him "Ryuichi", Akihito would know that's how people from the US are. We call Aki in fandom because he's so cute and sweet, but in real life, most would use "Akihito". I don't think I'm making sense. Sorry.

    Anoni Grrl September 28, 2015 7:09 pm
    Part of not calling Asami by his first name is culture. If he were being introduced to an American, it would be as "Ryuichi". When Japanese vendors come and do "fairs" here, their name tags show their first n... @Anonymous

    I think you make perfect sense. :) So you think it is culture, because Michail is Russian. That works for me--though I could see Michail knowing about Japanese culture too and trying to be overly familiar in order to annoy Asami. On my first read, I thought Michail only wanted the deed and was joking about liking Fei--but on this re-read I thought maybe Michail really was a little into Fei. Michail strikes me as inappropriately flirty as he tries to screw with both Fei and Asami--as if Michail would not entirely mind a different sort of threesome.

    Anonymous 2 September 28, 2015 7:40 pm
    I think you make perfect sense. :) So you think it is culture, because Michail is Russian. That works for me--though I could see Michail knowing about Japanese culture too and trying to be overly familiar in or... Anoni Grrl

    Mikhail at least seems to be completely unable to speak a word Japanese, though that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't know abything about their culture. He doesn't strike me as a culturally interested person though - Yuri seemed be more versed in terms of that, maybe he's relying on his knowledge. So the culture bit might play a part. Of course that's all pure speculation though.

    However, I definitely can see him acting that way to annoy everyone. He's a little troll, our Mikhail. ^^ Although I also think he might just be the kind of person who quickly gets (overly) familiar with people.

    What I am pretty sure about is that he's genuinely interested in Fei. Sensei even mentioned something like that. How deep those feelings are is anyone's guess though, but I think we can safely assume he most likely wants to screw him. ^^

    Anonymous September 28, 2015 8:34 pm

    Mikhail would do what he can to tease Asami and Fei Long. At the card table, Mikhail tease Fei Long about Asami to the point where Asami told Mikhail that if he wants to flirt with Fei Long, take it somewhere else. I'm just trying to figure out how he fits in with Sudoh and will he show Asami the BJ photo.

    J Unleashed September 29, 2015 1:44 am

    If anyone's interested... Yamane-sensei commenting on Asami's first name usage by others:

    Anoni Grrl September 29, 2015 3:11 am
    If anyone's interested... Yamane-sensei commenting on Asami's first name usage by others: J Unleashed

    Thanks. Now that you linked to it again, i remember you had that. :) She's kind of cagey though. It only makes me wonder. more.

    Reality bites September 29, 2015 1:38 pm

    Sorry that post was related to the thread speculating about Asami's back story.I think it got hooked in the wrong place? my error. Thanks for the info.`

    Anoni Grrl September 29, 2015 1:57 pm
    Sorry that post was related to the thread speculating about Asami's back story.I think it got hooked in the wrong place? my error. Thanks for the info.` @Reality bites

    It's cool. I thought I should start a new thread anyway. :)

    Anonymous September 29, 2015 5:50 pm

    Um, Asami kills the messenger because of the distress he hears in Akihito's voice. Nothing to do with Mikhail goading him. And Mikhail lights Asami's cigarette because he's playing the host, not in subservience.

    Mikhail is being Mikhail. His outward demeanor is one of playful insouciance but he can be deadly serious. He hints at something dark in his background with the same twisted humor when he shows Asami and Feilong his scars. It's his way of dealing with the world he moves in.

    Anoni Grrl September 29, 2015 10:52 pm
    Um, Asami kills the messenger because of the distress he hears in Akihito's voice. Nothing to do with Mikhail goading him. And Mikhail lights Asami's cigarette because he's playing the host, not in subservience... @Anonymous

    It's fine that you see it that way. I was putting my own spin on it, and it was not the worst part of my summary. I still think those impressions are valid, at least for me. Anytime you say, "X does this because.." you are using your own interpretation of the story. Everyone has their own take on what they see and read, and that is fine. Just be aware that what's on the page is an image of Asami shooting the messenger and and image of Michail lighting a cigarette, nothing more. I'll be happy to debate why I think my impressions have a basis in the story, but just be aware that your impressions are just as subjective, and not some absolute "truth" that is the "right" way or the only way to interprets what is on the page.

    If you are not the Anonymous who usually debates the interpretations of what is on the page with me, I apologies for the lecture. I don't mind discussion--in fact I like them. I am just pointing out hat everyone perceives things through their own set of knowledge, beliefs, experiences and assumptions. As long as we recognize that people will see things differently and have various opinions, discussions about why we think the things we do are cool.

    Anonymous September 30, 2015 12:44 am
    It's fine that you see it that way. I was putting my own spin on it, and it was not the worst part of my summary. I still think those impressions are valid, at least for me. Anytime you say, "X does this becau... Anoni Grrl

    "Just be aware that what's on the page is an image of Asami shooting the messenger and and image of Michail lighting a cigarette, nothing more. "

    I'm sorry, but that's a ridiculous statement. There is far more on the page than that. This mangaka is not that careless. If that was the case, you could cut up all the frames of each page, throw them up in the air and make up whatever you wanted. All of the careful work of the mangaka to build the story, the characters and give you concrete information and clues that are absolutely on the page would be wasted. It is not all as subjective as you think it is.

    Anoni Grrl September 30, 2015 2:28 am
    "Just be aware that what's on the page is an image of Asami shooting the messenger and and image of Michail lighting a cigarette, nothing more. "I'm sorry, but that's a ridiculous statement. There is far more o... @Anonymous

    It's not *all* subjective, but it is all perceived through subjective filters because that's how human minds work. Art evokes feelings, memories and associations. Stories use various devices and techniques to create multiple layers of meaning. Readers are not passive recipients, but rather active co-creators because the essential meaning of the work depends on the impressions, interpretations and inferences of the reader. Does that mean that the text and the art is random and unnecessary? Of course not. It just means that everyone will see it a little differently, and have various opinions about the characters and events portrayed.

    Now, I agree that we should be able to use the text and images to support our assertions and discuss why we think the things we do about the story. That is not to say that there is only one valid way to experience it. It only means that if we want to discuss the story with others, we need evidence from the text (or images) to show others why we think the way we do.

    Fore example, I think you are partially right that Asami shot the messenger because he heard something off in Aki's voice--but that was only after Michail "primed the pump" by goading Asami. Look at Asami's face in the first frame here:

    Look at the way the light and shadow bring out the anger in his eyes as he says, "Are you trying to piss me off?" Notice how Michail continues to poke the bear by saying, "You're already pissed off. So scary." The next image is of Asami griping his gun in a grim foreshadowing. Asami is already on the verge of losing it, and he has not yet talked to Aki. After talking with Aki, Asami decides something was wrong with Aki and shoots--but he was already upset and goaded by Michail before that. Hearing Aki's distress was the straw that broke the camel's back and made Asami lose it, but it was part of a sequence of events. Michail goaded Asami and then comments on how Asami smells of blood. Michail seems neither surprised nor upset by the probable fate of his man.

    Given how Michail had taken Aki and how Michail goaded Asami about it earlier, "playing host" by lighting Asami's cigarette still seems a bit obsequious to me. It is a jester a host may give at a club (and so it seems when Sudouh does it later). However , it is not Michail's boat, it is Fei's--and Fei isn't falling all over himself to play host. This is not a friendly gathering. Michail has been menacing, true. That's why the lighting of the cigarette seems an almost absurd nicety to a man he has recently helped push into a killing rage.

    There is a lot of tension before Michail makes this gesture. Asami has not said a word since coming in. Michail mentions taking a seat and playing Baccarat. Asami glares. Asami sits leaving a seat between them,turning his chair so he is a little farther from Michail and his back is away from Michail. Michail mentions the smell of blood and asks a bout the guy Michail sent. Asami glares. Asami looks down and gets a cigarette. Everything about Asami so far, from the look in his eyes or the way he won't answer, says Asami is seething. It may even have unnerved Michail a bit. Look at Michail's body language as he offers the cigarette:

    Michail's head is down, and he has lost is grin. The shoulder closer to Asami is lower and he leans over to offer the light. The gesture is almost one of supplication. It is so quiet you can hear the flick of the lighter. Note the sizzle of the flame near Asami. It's as if you can hear Aasami's fuse burning away before he explodes. Michail doesn't smile and get his groove back until Fei shows up.

    Compare that to Sudouh playing host:

    Asami is once again annoyed (though not as much) and Sudouh drops to his knees to light Asami's cigarette. Sodouh is not of Michial's rank or status, and I get the impression that if Sudouh could play host by giving Asami a BJ, he would oblige. It's only my opinion, but again, look at the body language. It's suggestive of begging at the very least. Michail never goes to that degree, of course, but these gestures are similar in type if not in magnitude.

    Just for fun, let's compare that to Kuroda (the other one who calls Asami by his first name) letting Asami light his own damn cigarette:

    Kuroda is teasing Asami about not paying Sudouh enough, and he lets Asami light the cigarette while giving Asami a rare boyish grim (Kuroda is more often smirking). Kuroda's jacket is off, they are both sitting in a relaxed fashion and though the matter is important, neither seem wary. Kuroda makes an open handed gesture towards Asami but with the grin is seems more welcoming or inviting than it is a gesture of supplication as seen in Michail or Sudouh. It seems to me that someone who is comfortable with Asami doesn't need o placate him or play host.

    If you look at Michail's lighting of the cigarette in context of these comparisons, it is likely that lighting the cigarette to play host is something more like what a subordinate like Sudouh would do that it is something done by someone who so comfortable calling Asami by his first name. It's a strangely pacifying gesture for someone who is blackmailing Asami and taking Fei's deed. It's one of the fun things that hint of complexity in Michail.

    Nightfall September 30, 2015 2:57 am
    It's not *all* subjective, but it is all perceived through subjective filters because that's how human minds work. Art evokes feelings, memories and associations. Stories use various devices and techniques to c... Anoni Grrl

    I know that I have not been a part of this discussion, (I just dropped by to see if there was an update) but I just wanted to point out that you keep spelling Mikhails' name wrong (it is spelled with a 'k' not a 'c') ... not meaning to offend - you have some well thought out opinions, but spelling a characters' name wrong seems to detract a little from your argument.

    Anoni Grrl September 30, 2015 3:31 am
    I know that I have not been a part of this discussion, (I just dropped by to see if there was an update) but I just wanted to point out that you keep spelling Mikhails' name wrong (it is spelled with a 'k' not ... @Nightfall

    Thanks. You are correct-- I make a lot of typos in general, but I have been letting autocorrect spell the name. Since I am not good at typing and I tend to think phonetically instead of remembering letters and word images, I tend to believe autocomplete knows what it's doing. :) Sorry about that.

    Nightfall September 30, 2015 3:50 am
    Thanks. You are correct-- I make a lot of typos in general, but I have been letting autocorrect spell the name. Since I am not good at typing and I tend to think phonetically instead of remembering letters and ... Anoni Grrl

    Ah, that explains it. No apologies needed - just thought I would point it out. Autocorrect is not a friend - I was typing something quickly the other day (on Facebook) and after I posted I found that "pencil" was written as 'penis' and 'public' as 'pubic' (there were a few other words that were incorrect as well though I forget what they were, but those two words changed the entire tone of my posting - hahaha) - as luck would have it I was able to edit my comment before anyone saw it...

    Anoni Grrl September 30, 2015 4:59 am
    Ah, that explains it. No apologies needed - just thought I would point it out. Autocorrect is not a friend - I was typing something quickly the other day (on Facebook) and after I posted I found that "pencil" w... @Nightfall

    LOL. How funny. At least typos provide humor. :)

    Nightfall September 30, 2015 5:15 am
    LOL. How funny. At least typos provide humor. :) Anoni Grrl

    Yep, or if you miss them, they can come back to haunt you - saw a Catholic school sign about the "quality of pubic education they provide". Huh??? LMAO And we had a very large government sign in our city advertising a great "Land Sale Opertunity" (how many hands it must hve gone through and no one caught that made me shake my head) Hehehe

    Anoni Grrl September 30, 2015 4:45 pm
    Yep, or if you miss them, they can come back to haunt you - saw a Catholic school sign about the "quality of pubic education they provide". Huh??? LMAO And we had a very large government sign in our city adver... @Nightfall

    Oh dear. Considering all the time I spent after school copying words I misspelled (and still might), I should be better at proofreading, but I am not. If it's important, I have to print it out and go through the paper backwards sentence by sentence. Even then, if I can get a second pair of eyes, I do. I never think my post here will be as long as some turn out, or I might write them in Word where it is easier to find errors.

    Sometimes I can get away with the "sound alike" mistakes. For example, who is to say I didn't mean to write "dramatic jester"? Shouldn't a jester be dramatic at times for the sake of humor? Maybe I meant Mikhail (with a K) is a sort of dramatic jester. Yeah. I'm sure I did.

    Names are harder for me, especially if I am not familiar with them outside of manga or a book. In my head, I hear "Mick Hale" or " McHale" and "Sue Doo" (though I am not sure how that last one should sound exactly). I am always messing up names because of that. It would help the the translators would choose the spelling options favored by my browser spellcheck and autocomplete, but alas, life is not that kind.

    I'll try to pay more attention to it. At least it's not on a billboard. :)

    misekatte October 1, 2015 6:01 am
    Oh dear. Considering all the time I spent after school copying words I misspelled (and still might), I should be better at proofreading, but I am not. If it's important, I have to print it out and go through th... Anoni Grrl

    Hehehe - the internet is full of signs that have had hilarious typos o them. I collect image of those kinds of signs because they make me laugh. Sometimes even the best proofreading can fail. (my favourite signs are the ones where some one has translated something into English that ends up being wildly inappropriate (my hometown, translated to English is Eel Castle and a nearby town is translated as Intestines ... can you imagine having to admit that you live in Intestines? Or Beer Good?) And I find that auto correct and spell check fail quite often.

    Anoni Grrl October 1, 2015 4:57 pm
    Hehehe - the internet is full of signs that have had hilarious typos o them. I collect image of those kinds of signs because they make me laugh. Sometimes even the best proofreading can fail. (my favourite sign... misekatte

    I like the mistranslated signs too. Another Internet meme I love is the "Dalek shower": Using universal symbols is supposed to minimize translation issues, but for anyone who watches Doctor Who, that image does not immediately suggest a shower, it suggest an invading alien force. It's just one of those funny ways context and experience shape how we interpret things.