Hello, we decided to stop uploading our translation here in mangago. We decided to out it in our page so that people here won't make fuss about it anymore. We just realized that if we totally dropped this story, all the effort and time that my team invested will just go in a waste. But ofcourse it's up to you if you read it there or you will buy the official chapter.
We'll leave this manhwa here. Rest assured that we will no longer upload our trans here. So please stop sending us messange in ig with cursing and calling us names

DEAR WALL January 3, 2021 12:04 am
We already translated chaoter 31 to 75. What we are doing right now is just cleaning and typesetting :(
Here its the past comments and what happen
Can somone explain what people r mad of in the comment section? Is it cuz of bad translation or did something happen with the Author?