More chapters??

Random January 3, 2021 8:02 am

Just thought I’d share this info with everyone from the fb group that did the Korean to Spanish translation (that I then used to create a Spanish to English translation of ch 12-23).

Nota: No tenemos sinopsis de la segunda temporada por lo que les dejamos la de la primera...

Note: We do not have a synopsis of the second season so we leave you the one of the first...

They categorized chapter 19-23 as a second season, not extras or side stories. Maybe there will be a third season? Merely speculating. Fingers crossed

    Pastlives January 3, 2021 10:08 am

    Can u upload them?!

    Random January 3, 2021 1:41 pm
    Can u upload them?! Pastlives

    I did a rough translation (ch 12-22) that I then shared on this platform. It was only the text (a running transcript). You can scroll back looking at previous posts I created here or click on my username and look at posts that I have created. It has the Spanish translation followed by the English text so everyone can following along. Currently redoing ch 22 since I had used the Korean translation instead and finishing ch 23.